Waiting on Wednesday – Kill Your Husbands by Jack Heath

Welcome to my weekly segment, Waiting on Wednesday, where I look at upcoming books that I am planning to order and review in the next few months and which I think I will really enjoy.  I run this segment in conjunction with the Can’t-Wait Wednesday meme that is currently running at Wishful Endings.  Stay tuned to see reviews of these books when I get a copy of them.  In this week’s Waiting on Wednesday I highlight the next compelling and awesome sounding crime fiction read from one of my very favourite Australian authors with Kill Your Husbands by Jack Heath.

Kill Your Husbands Cover


One of the things I love about being a reviewer in Australia is that I get ready access to so many outstanding Australian reads that people in the international market might not be as familiar with.  Thanks to some dedicated local publishers, I get a healthy serving of Australian fiction each year, including from several truly remarkable and talented authors.  One of my absolute favourite Australian authors is the always impressive Jack Heath, who has been killing it (literally and figuratively) in recent years.

Heath, who is from my home city of Canberra, is one of Australia’s leading crime fiction authors and I have really grown to enjoy his clever, entertaining and highly distinctive thrillers and murder mysteries.  Heath has written an intriguing raft of different books over the years, including some outstanding young adult fiction, but he is probably best known for his Timothy Blake books, also known as The Hangman series.  This gruesome series follows a highly troubled, yet skilled, investigator, who solves some elaborate cases while trying to resist his cannibalistic urgings.  I have had a lot of fun with several entries in this series, including Hideout (one of my favourite Australian books of 2020) and Headcase (one of my favourite Australian books of 2022), and my first taste of the Timothy Blake series made me a huge fan of Heath’s writing style.  This appreciation for Heath’s writing was further compounded by his epic and elaborate thriller, Kill Your Brother, which was one of my favourite Australian books of 2021Kill Your Brother was a particularly brilliant standalone read that saw a kidnapped protagonist forced to choose between her own survival and killing her own brother.  I have nothing but love for all of Heath’s work and I was very excited to discover that he had another amazing crime fiction read coming out later this year.

This upcoming book from Heath is titled Kill Your Husbands, which features another elaborate and fun murder mystery plot.  Set for release in late November 2023, Kill Your Husbands sounds quite exceptional and I have already fallen in love with its fantastic and distinctive narrative outline.

Plot Synopsis:

Three couples, friends since the university athletics team, travel to a house in the mountains for an unplugged weekend of drinking and bushwalking. No internet, no phones, no stress. On the first night, the topic of partner-swapping comes up. It’s a joke – at first.

 Not everyone is keen, but an agreement is made. The lights will be turned out. The three men will go into the three bedrooms. The three women will each pick a bedroom at random. It won’t be awkward later, because no one will know for sure who they’ve slept with – though each guest is privately sure that they alone will be able to tell.

But when the lights come back on, someone is missing. A search of the house and the surrounding bushland turns up a body.

Five people remain. They have no way of contacting the police. Nor can they leave – the keys to the cars are missing. And the killer is just getting started.

 Two weeks later, Senior Constable Kiara Lui drives to the house with her girlfriend, Elise. She’s already interviewed the survivors. Now, she must work out which of them is lying, and why…

Ok, now this is definitely one of the more amusing and memorable plot synopsises I have read in recent months.  Anonymous partner swapping in the dark leading to murder and a locked room mystery is a very interesting plot basis for a crime fiction novel, but I am definitely all on board for it, especially with Heath at the helm.  I know that Heath will pull together a truly elaborate story in Kill Your Husbands, loaded with tangled motives, hidden opportunities, and highly complicated characters, which will turn into something particularly fun and addictive.  The fantastic plot above has so many opportunities for mystery and drama and I cannot wait to see how the various characters react, as well as the eventual motivations for the killings.  I am also very excited, as the inclusion of Kiara Lui and Elise as characters means that Kill Your Husbands is a sequel to Kill Your Brother, and it will be fun to see how Heath continues the storyline from the previous novel.

Due to how great Heath’s previous books have been, there is no way that I will not be grabbing a copy of Kill Your Husbands later this year, especially with that crazy plot behind it.  Jack Heath is too talented an author not to turn such a fantastic and memorable story idea into something particularly awesome, and I already know this is going to be one of the best Australian books of 2023, if not one of my favourite reads of the year, period.  I have no doubt I am going to get completely dragged into this upcoming mystery, and I cannot wait to get my hands on Kill Your Husbands with all its over-the-top goodness.

2 thoughts on “Waiting on Wednesday – Kill Your Husbands by Jack Heath

  1. Pingback: Top Ten Tuesday – Books on my Spring 2023 TBR – The Unseen Library

  2. Pingback: Book Haul/Vacation Books – 20 September 2023 – The Unseen Library

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