Waiting on Wednesday – High Wire by Candice Fox

Welcome to my weekly segment, Waiting on Wednesday, where I look at upcoming books that I am planning to order and review in the next few months and which I think I will really enjoy.  I run this segment in conjunction with the Can’t-Wait Wednesday meme that is currently running at Wishful Endings.  Stay tuned to see reviews of these books when I get a copy of them.  In this week’s Waiting on Wednesday, I look at an awesome upcoming piece of Australian fiction from an author who is having a particularly good 2024, with High Wire by Candice Fox.

High Wire Cover


This really is the year of the Fox as Australian author Candice Fox introduces her third epic thriller of 2024 with the exciting sounding High Wire.  Fox is an author who I have come to really appreciate over the years, especially as she has wowed me with some truly amazing reads.  This includes her great standalone novels, Fire With Fire, Gathering Dark and The Chase, as well as the novel she cowrote with James Patterson, 2 Sisters Detective Agency.  All these novels feature some intriguing and clever concepts that Fox works into effective and powerful stories that you can’t turn away from.  This was particularly true in 2024 as Fox’s other two books from this year, The Murder Inn (with Patterson) and Devil’s Kitchen, were extremely impressive and really drove home how good an author Fox is.

As such, it is little wonder that I am excited for Fox’s new novel, High Wire, which is currently set for release in late September 2024.  High Wire sees Fox return her focus to the Australian outback, as two people get caught up in all manner of trouble in the very worst place you could imagine.

Plot Synopsis:

You only take the High Wire if you’re desperate – or up to no good.|

A notorious unmarked track through outback Australia, the ‘Wire’ crosses slabs of lawless land, body dumping grounds and mobile phone blackspots.

Harvey Buck is certainly desperate. Racing to be with his dying girlfriend, he encounters Clare Holland, whose car has broken down. He offers the hapless traveller a ride . . . and then their nightmare begins.

The pair are ambushed by a vengeful crew – and strapped into bomb vests. As part of a deadly game, Harvey and Clare are forced to commit a series of increasingly murderous missions, or else be blown to smithereens.

Senior Sergeant Edna Norris is dealing with a runaway teenager; not an unusual job in a place where people go to disappear. But an unfolding crime spree turns this outback cop’s night into a fight for survival. Hot on Harvey and Clare’s trail, Edna finds a burnt-out car, a missing woman, a bank robbery and a bullet-riddled body.

And this road trip from hell has only just begun . . .

High Wire
sounds like it is going to be a pretty full-on and intense read, which I am totally here for.  An explosive race across the country with murderous intentions, dangerous games, and two apparently innocent people trapped in badly escalating situation has all the potential to be an amazing story, especially with a talented author like Candice Fox at the wheel.  Throw in the author’s ability to bring the wild outback Australian setting to life, as well as some great and intriguing characters, and I feel that High Wire is going to be a pretty epic book.

Honestly, after the 2024 that Candice Fox has been having, there is no way that I will not be picking up High Wire when it comes out later this year.  Fox’s other two books this year have been extremely impressive, and High Wire looks set to follow that trend.  This upcoming book has such an exciting and over-the-top plot behind it, and I fully believe that Fox will turn it into something special.  This is easily one of my most anticipated pieces of Australian fiction coming out in the second half of 2024 and I cannot wait to read it.

White Ash Ridge by S. R. White

White Ash Ridge Cover

Publisher: Headline (Trade Paperback – 12 March 2024)

Series: Detective Dana Russo – Book Four

Length: 343 pages

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars


One of Australian’s most distinctive new crime fiction authors returns with a complex murder mystery the blends compelling characters with unique methods, White Ash Ridge by S. R. White.

Over the last few years, I have really been enjoying the works of new author S. R. White.  White, a former UK Police officer who emigrated to Australia, has been producing some amazing pieces of Australian outback crime fiction.  His work has so far been part of his Detective Dana Russo series, which follows the titular detective as she investigates complex cases out in the Australian bush.  This series has so far featured three impressive reads, Hermit, Prisoner and Red Dirt Road and these amazing books have been very fun to read, especially as White comes up with some unique crimes which require the protagonist’s more unusual methods to solve.  I have really enjoyed White’s previous books, and I jumped on his new novel, White Ash Ridge, the moment I got my hands on it.

Murder, deceit and controversy are all that are on the limited menu of the White Ash Ridge hotel, especially when tragedy strikes its guests.  An isolated and decaying hotel, hidden away in the Australian wilderness, White Ash Ridge has been booked out by the inner circle of a high-profile charity organisation for urgent discussions about its future.  As the relentless heat raises tensions, the body of one of the charity’s founders is found dead on the track outside, his death caused by a blow to the head.

Called to the scene, Detective Dana Russo anticipates another complex murder case.  With no one else spotted in the area and tensions running high amongst the charity’s founders, it seems likely that one of the four remaining guests at the White Ash Ridge is the murderer.  However, as she begins to investigate, Dana is unprepared for the chaos that is about to descend upon her small command.  The charity the victim work for was founded by two parents whose son was killed after intervening in a violent assault.  The subsequent failed police investigation sparked public outrage and launched the boy’s mother into Australia’s political orbit.

Now thrust into the centre of a controversial family familiar with the police, Dana must quickly solve the case before events get out of hand.  With a lack of physical evidence, Dana and her small team are forced to pull the truth from the four suspects to determine their history with the victim and why anyone would want to kill him.  However, they only have limited time before the overwhelming public interest forces her to let the suspects go, likely at the cost of her career and reputation.  Can Dana convince her suspects, none of whom have any love of the police, to cooperate before it’s too late, or will the killer walk free thanks to the will of the people?

S. R. White delivers another complex, impressive, and highly distinctive piece of Australian crime fiction with White Ash Ridge. Blending White’s unique murder mystery style with great characters and a compelling situation, White Ash Ridge was an amazing read that I could not get enough of.

I have always really enjoyed White’s take on the Australian murder mystery, as his focus is always on finding out all the details of the victims and the suspects to solve the case, often through the medium of interrogation.  This was once again the case in White Ash Ridge, as the protagonists, under pressure to solve the case quickly, need to find out which of the four suspects committed the crime.  As such, the story develops in a very interesting way, as the detectives both investigate in the traditional way, including finding witnesses and evidence, while also diving into the lives of everyone involved in the case.  Much of this revolves around the eight main interviews of the investigation as the protagonists talk to each of the suspects twice to gain the relevant insights into themselves and the murder victim.  White, through his main protagonist, Detective Dana Russo, has a very person-centric take on the interrogation progress, and the resulting character-driven focuses become a key part of the plot.

This proves to be a very clever way to set out this excellent mystery and subsequent investigation, and thanks to White’s expert writing ability White Ash Ridge ended up being an extremely clever and captivating book.  The focus around the charity and its anti-police sentiments added some great intrigue to the narrative, and I liked the ticking clock aspect of the plot it brought in.  All eight of the main interviews were very intense and compelling in their own ways, and you soon get a great idea of the various people drawn into the case.  White combines this expertly with the personal dramas of the protagonists, including some ongoing storylines from the prior books, although the overarching threat of Dana’s new supervisor is getting a little stale at this point.  At the same time, the reader gets the full blast of the Australian wilderness from the unnamed part of the country that White sets his novels in, which adds a lot of character to the story in its iconic and beautiful ways.  The central mystery of White Ash Ridge comes together extremely well, and the eventual solution is smart, intriguing, and very well set up.  The entire story comes together in a powerful way, and I loved this unique mystery which was another strong story from White.

As with all of White’s books in the series, White Ash Ridge is a hugely character-driven read, not only because of the compelling and damaged protagonists, but because his style of writing relies on diving into the lives of the various suspects and victims of the case to solve the crime.  This all results in some exceptional character development and focuses, and I loved how complex and powerful the various stories that emerged were.  Most of the protagonists focused development occurred around returning main character Detective Dana Russo, who serves as the solid and empathetic centre of the investigation.  Dana once again showcases her unique investigation style that focuses on character interactions, history and mindsets to solve the case, which proves to be quite effective at diving into the minds of her targets.  This time Dana is backed up by new detective, Mila Jelovic, who serves as a great support for the main character.  While the development around Dana is a little light in White Ash Ridge, you do get an intriguing and powerful examination of Mila, whose previous undercover work has cost her severely in more than one way.

Aside from the police characters, the reader also gets an intense look at five specific figures who become the focus on the investigation, with the murder victim and the subsequent four suspects.  All five of these people are members of a high-profile charity formed in the aftermath of a botched police investigation, with goals of stopping teen violence and keeping the police accountable.  Due to the way the mystery is set out, there is a lot of focus on these characters and the events that brought them together, which provides the reader with an intriguing backstory to get familiar with.  All five of these characters are interesting and complex in their own way, with various interactions, lies, manipulations and plans bringing them all together.  Probably the most interesting of these is the charity’s figurehead, Keena Flynn, a major public figure following the death of her child.  Due to her previous interactions with the police and politicians, Keena proves to be a tough nut to crack, and her pain, anger and distrust become a major obstacle to overcome.  White does a wonderful job exploring these five characters, and indeed you often get more about them than the police protagonists.  There is such a dark and compelling web of relationships surrounding these characters, and the subsequent reasons for why one of them was killed and by who was pretty impressive and helped to produce an incredible mystery.

S. R. White continues to flourish with another awesome entry in his compelling murder mystery series that is setting him up as one of Australia’s most distinctive crime fiction authors. Expertly combining his ability for complex murder scenarios and character-focused investigation methods to produce an outstanding story, White did an amazing job with White Ash Ridge, and I had an incredible time reading it. One of the cleverest mysteries of 2024 so far, this book comes highly recommended.


Ripper by Shelley Burr

Ripper Cover

Publisher: Hachette Australian (Trade Paperback – 30 August 2023)

Series: PI Lane Holland – Book Two

Length: 344 pages

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars


Impressive rising Australian crime fiction star Shelley Burr follows up her amazing debut with the complex and addictive rural murder mystery, Ripper.

In 2022 I had the very great pleasure of reading Shelley Burr’s debut novel, Wake.  An awesome book that followed two compelling protagonists as they investigated an infamous missing persons case in a small Australian town, Wake really had me hooked from the get go.  Wake ended up being one of my favourite debuts and favourite pieces of Australian fiction in 2022, and I have been eager to see how Burr would follow that up for a while.  Burr did not disappoint, as she recently released an intriguing sequel, Ripper (also released as Murder Town).

Seventeen years ago, the small town of Rainier was rocked by a series of brutal killings that saw three people murdered and the infamous killer captured in a heroic effort by the police.  Thanks to these tragic events, Rainier is now known as an infamous murder town, with people far more interested in checking out the site of the Rainier Ripper’s trial of destruction rather than the town’s quaint charm and bush location.

Now, after years of neglect and changing economic times, Rainier is starting to financially fail.  The town’s only hope might be a dark tourism company that is eager to exploit Rainier’s infamous name.  However, when the tour operator is brutally killed in the same location as one of the Ripper’s victims, it opens old wounds and forces the locals, long traumatised by the events of that massacre, to uncover long buried secrets.

Gemma Guillory knows everything about the Rainier Ripper, especially as her teashop was the location of the original Ripper’s final killing.  When the new murder occurs, Gemma is brought back to her painful past and is determined to discover whether this new crime was done by a copycat or if the real Rainier Ripper escaped justice years before.  Receiving unlikely help from incarcerated investigator Lane Holland, Gemma begins to chip away at years of secrets and lies she didn’t even know surrounded her.  But is Gemma truly ready for the truth, especially as a dangerous killer is still hiding in town, waiting to kill again?

I really enjoyed Ripper and felt that it was a fantastic follow-up to Burr’s first novel.  I deeply appreciated the complex, moving and character driven murder mystery storyline at Ripper’s centre, especially as it forced its complex protagonist to simultaneously look at events in the past and current concerns.

The book starts off very strong, with a flashback to the original killings, followed by a good recap of the events that made Rainier infamous, and some excellent set up around the current day town, including the proposal to start a dark tourism company and some of the personal problems impacting the key locals.  Naturally, things get dark quickly, as a new body is found in the same location of one of the Rainier Ripper’s victims, and the population of Rainier, especially primary protagonist Gemma Guillory, is dragged back into their complex history.  The following story is very powerful, as the protagonist begins to dive back into her towns past to try and find the killer, which also forces her to look at those closest to her in a new light.  At the same time, the returning protagonist from Wake, imprisoned investigator Lane Holland, is tasked by his prison warden to interrogate the Rainier Ripper to determine if he has any additional information about the case.

Burr moves Ripper’s intriguing plot along at a quick pace, and I liked how complex and intricate the mystery soon became.  Solving the crime involves a great mixture of current intuitions about the key characters, memories of the past, and interrogations by Holland in prison.  The mystery branches off into some interesting places, and the protagonists need to do some emotionally charged digging to find out what really happened.  The resulting solutions to the mystery are very clever, and Burr did a wonderful job laying down subtle but effective clues throughout the main body of the book.  I really enjoyed how there wasn’t just one solution, but multiple secrets and reveals that had to come to light for the full truth to be revealed, and there was an outstanding domino effect of revelations and twists.  I cannot emphasise enough just how impressive this full range of reveals was, and Burr did a great job weaving together the solutions into one moving and complex narrative.

I think Burr hit the right blend of mystery, excitement and character storylines in Ripper, and the author ensured that everything moved along at an exciting and enjoyable clip.  I really enjoyed how much of the story relied on diving into the complex lives of the key Rainier residences, and the author balanced some interesting character storylines in both the present day and in the past.  This was especially true of main character Gemma Guillory, and her return to the past, coupled with revelations around the lies of her loved ones, added some powerful emotion to the story.  If I had one complaint, it would probably be that Burr worked a little too hard to insert Lane Holland into the plot.  While I do appreciate that Burr is trying to set up an ongoing series with Lane Holland as the connecting character, the plot of Ripper might have been a bit sleeker without him.  Still, it was fun getting a sequel to Wake and I’m very keen to see what exciting mysteries Burr cooks up in the future.

Ripper by Shelley Burr was another outstanding and compelling read from a talented, rising Australian author.  This second rural Australian murder mystery from Burr was extremely compelling and featured an intense narrative, loaded with great twists and complicated characters.  I had a brilliant time getting through Ripper and it was one of the top pieces of Australian crime fiction I read last year.

Murder Town (alternate Ripper) Cover


Everyone on this Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson

Everyone on this Train is a Suspect Cover

Publisher: Michael Joseph (Trade Paperback – 17 October 2023)

Series: Ernest Cunningham – Book Two

Length: 318 pages

My Rating: 4.75 out 5 stars


Impressive Australian author Benjamin Stevenson returns with another hilarious and outstanding murder mystery that once again acts as a clever homage to the classics with Everyone on this Train is a Suspect.

Over the last few years, one of the most consistently enjoyable authors of Australian crime fiction has been the remarkably talented Benjamin Stevenson.  Best known prior to his writing career for his comedic work with his brother James, Stevenson adapted well to crime fiction and made his first impression with his debut novel, Greenlight.  Also released as Trust Me When I Lie and She Lies in the Vines, Greenlight was an outstanding read, and Stevenson quickly followed it up with the cool sequel Either Side of Minute.  While both of these books had great murder mystery plots with some unique twists to them, I think Stevenson didn’t truly display his writing ability until his next novel; Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone.

Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone was an exceptional 2022 novel that saw a fictional murder mystery expert try to solve a classic locked room murder that was likely committed by a member of his notorious family, each of whom has killed someone in the past.  Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone was so damn good as not only did it feature a clever case but Stevenson excelled at producing a very funny novel in his unique style that parodied the classics of the genre.  Due to its entertaining and meta storytelling, Everyone in My Family has Killed Someone was such a joy to read and it ended up being one my favourite pieces of Australian fiction in 2022.  As such, I have been eager to see what Stevenson would produce next, and while I was initially a little surprised to see that he would be writing a sequel to Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone, it was something that really excited me.  This sequel, Everyone on this Train is a Suspect, was one of my most anticipated releases for 2023, and I had another outstanding time getting through it.

Plot Synopsis:


When the Australian Mystery Writers’ Society invited me to their crime-writing festival aboard the Ghan, the famous train between Darwin and Adelaide, I was hoping for some inspiration for my second book. Fiction, this time: I needed a break from real people killing each other. Obviously, that didn’t pan out.

The program is a who’s who of crime-writing royalty:

the debut writer (me!)
the forensic science writer
the blockbuster writer
the legal thriller writer
the literary writer
the psychological suspense writer.

But when one of us is murdered, six authors quickly turn into five detectives. Together, we should know how to solve a crime.

Or commit one.

How can you find a killer when all the suspects know how to get away with murder?

Stevenson once again presents an outstanding and wildly entertaining Australian crime fiction novel that proves impossible to put down.  Thanks to his impressive story and wonderfully distinctive style for this series, Everyone on this Train is a Suspect was a particularly funny novel that takes some fun shots at classic murder mysteries, modern crime fiction and the publishing world at large.

I absolutely loved the story Stevenson came up with for Everyone on this Train is a Suspect, which essentially traps his returning protagonist, Ernest Cunningham, on the Australian version of the Orient Express with a group of other famous crime fiction authors.  Ernest, who has achieved a certain amount of literary fame writing a true-crime book about the familial murder he solved, is the somewhat ostracised newcomer to the group and is currently suffering from writer’s block.  Hoping to gain inspiration from meeting some of his fellow authors, most of whom are homages to famous crime fiction authors (Ian Rankin and Patricia Cornwell, for example), Ernest instead finds himself caught up in another deadly murder, this time involving suspicious writers, greedy publishers, scheming agents, angry mega-fans and other fun figures from the literary world.  The resulting plot is extremely fun, as an obsessed Ernest attempts to solve the crime, only to encounter additional murders, opposition from his fellow writers, unique interactions, and all manner of ridicule.

This entire story is really well written, as it features all the elements that made Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone great, including a clever mystery, outrageous characters and an irrepressible sense of humour.  Just as with Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone, Everyone on this Train is a Suspect is told in the form of a true-crime book written by the protagonist as he recounts the events that unfolded aboard the train.  I really enjoyed this fun and clever way of writing the story, especially as the character of Ernest has such an amusing and satirical outlook on life and murder mysteries.  The author also believes in challenging the classic ways of writing crime fiction and providing clues to the reader, and as such the book is loaded with a ton of hints from the protagonist about who the killer is and the events to come.  For example, he indicates how many times he is going to mention the killer’s name early on and then keeps a running countdown going throughout the book to narrow down the suspect pool.  In addition, several characters’ fates, actions and other clues are mentioned well in advance, just to heighten anticipation.  While you would imagine that this would spoil much of the plot, I felt it honestly enhanced it, as you eagerly wait to see how these events occur or try to keep track of who is being talked about and in what context.  Stevenson also does not always play it fair with these hints, with a few flagrant mistruths sprinkled through by the protagonist to mislead the reader, although this is all done in good fun.

As such, by the time you get to the second half of Everyone on this Train is a Suspect, you are really invested in the overall mystery that Stevenson has cooked up.  All the various clues, hints and other interesting story details have been cleverly built up and you are eager to see how everything unfolds.  There are a few hilarious set pieces loaded here, including an unnecessary chase sequence, a failed denouement gathering, and some major misunderstandings, all of which add to the chaotic nature of the plot.  This exciting and funny story also makes great use of its iconic background setting of the Ghan, one of Australia’s most famous trains, and Stevenson works in some fantastic personal drama for the protagonist who finds that crime solving and romance do not mix.  The eventual solution to the mystery is just great, as it blends multiple motivations, character histories and various subtle clues in an outstanding way.  Even all the overt clues that the protagonist had been directly feeding the reader come into play, although not always in the way you would expect it to.  This leads to an intense and memorable conclusion, which I thought wrapped things up nicely, especially with that fun twist designed to surprise readers familiar with first-person stories.

As with Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone, this second novel serves as a great homage and parody of classic murder mystery tropes, as the protagonist once again finds himself in a locked-room scenario.  The parallels between this story and Murder on the Orient Express are purposely obvious, and I loved seeing the very self-aware protagonist revel in them as the plot continues.  Stevenson also modernises his references by including homages to more modern mystery and crime fiction sub-genres.  The legal thriller, forensic science, modern detective and psychological suspense genres are all featured here in some ways, as fictional authors of these genres are present as supporting characters, and all their specialties are considered when it comes to solving the crime.  Stevenson works these into the plot perfectly, and it was a great deal of fun to see each of these elements discussed, satirised, and then utilised to a degree.  As such, this proves to be quite a fun book for all manner of crime fiction fans, and the fun references, jokes and hints will greatly appeal to the wider murder mystery audience.

Another awesome aspect of Everyone on this Train is a Suspect that I liked was the exploration of the literary world.  Due to the events of the first book, the protagonist finds himself as a published author, with all the baggage that brings with it.  As such, this sequel is filled with a ton of fun discussions and jokes about being a writer, with Stevenson no doubt utilising his own personal experiences to give it a splash of realism.  Most of these inclusions are done to provide another comedic edge to the story, especially as Ernest has been thrown into the deep end with a group of experienced writers who have no respect for him.  The scenes where they discuss their works while also putting down his less successful book are so damn funny, although I could not help but feel a little self-conscious with some of the comments (I know I use too many adverbs).  Stevenson also really dives into the dark side of writing and publishing, with sketchy agents, dodgy backroom deals, story thefts, and personal compromises all being featured quite heavily in the plot.  These elements make for some great potential motives, but you have to appreciate the heavy level of cynicism that Stevenson is throwing into the mix.  I deeply enjoyed the way that Stevenson explored the minefield of life as a murder mystery writer, as well as other connected literary issues, and it ensured that the protagonist’s storyline about being a new author was simultaneously funny and intriguing.

Benjamin Stevenson continues to impress as one of my favourite authors of crazy Australian crime fiction.  His amazing latest novel, Everyone on this Train is a Suspect, is so damn good, as it combines a clever mystery with Stevenson’s unique style that satirises the entire crime fiction genre.  Loaded with some brilliant homages to all manner of murder mystery, and mixing an intense murder plot with jokes, outrageous characters, and fantastic way to tell the story, Everyone on this Train is a Suspect was a blast of epic fun from start to finish.  A worthy and incredible sequel to Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone, Everyone on this Train is a Suspect is funny, brilliant and occasionally dark, and you are guaranteed to love every second of it.

Everyone on this Train is a Suspect Cover 2


Kill Your Husbands by Jack Heath

Kill Your Husbands Cover

Publisher: Allen & Unwin Australia (Trade Paperback – 28 November 2023)

Series: Kill Your Brother – Book Two

Length: 384 pages

My Rating: 4.75 out of 5 stars


One of my favourite Australian authors, the scarily good Jack Heath, returns with another twisted and brilliant thriller, Kill Your Husbands.

Easily one of the best Australian thriller authors at the moment has to be the always impressive Jack Heath.  Hailing from my hometown of Canberra, Heath has written a compelling range of epic thrillers over the years, all of which have been fun and captivating in their own way.  I am a major fan of his Timothy Blake series (check out my reviews for Hideout and Headcase), which follows the gruesome adventures of a murder-solving cannibal.  Heath has also produced several other great standalone or Australian series, including his 2021 novel, Kill Your Brother.  An intense and shocking thriller that forced a highly damaged protagonist to choose between killing her guilty brother or dying herself, Kill Your Brother was one of the best pieces of Australian fiction in 2021 and I had such a great time reading it.  As such, when I saw that Heath had a new Australian thriller coming out this year, I was very excited, especially when I found out it was a sequel to Kill Your Brother.  This new book, Kill Your Husbands, had a wicked plot synopsis, and I fell in love with it the moment I read it.  One of my most anticipated books for the second half of 2023, Kill Your Husbands was a shocking read that I had so much fun with.

It was supposed to be a relaxing weekend away for three couples, longtime friends since school the six overworked and stressed adults decide to escape their taxing lives for a weekend up in the mountains.  With no internet or cell reception, their getaway was supposed to be a quiet time of drinking and bushwalking.  However, after the topic of partner-swapping is raised on the first night, the entire mood of the weekend shifts.  What starts as a joke soon turns into an elaborate plan to ensure anonymity between partners, with the lights turned off and the men choosing a bedroom at random.  No one will know who they’ve been with, and no one will ever be certain if they slept with anyone other than their spouse.

However, when the lights come back on, one of the participants is missing.  A search soon reveals their body outside, clearly the victim of a violent attack.  With no cell reception and the keys to the cars missing, the remaining five people quickly become suspicious of the other survivors.  As the weekend continues and more people begin to disappear and die, old wounds, festering grudges and decaying relationships come to the fore, turning husbands against wives and friend against friend.

Two weeks later, Senior Constable Kiara Lui returns to the murder scene with her girlfriend, Elise.  Having interviewed the survivors, Kiara is certain at least one of them is lying and the killer is within her grasp.  Kiara knows that the answers lie within the house, but with strange occurrences occurring around the property, one person still missing, and her own girlfriend’s strange behaviour starting to concern her, can Kiara break through all the lies and secrets and find the truth before the killer strikes again?

This was another excellent and thrilling read from Heath, who pulls together another insane, yet highly clever, mystery that you really cannot put down.  Making full use of Heath’s outrageous plot, Kill Your Husbands is a dark and twisty novel that I had so much fun reading and which is easily one of the best pieces of Australian fiction I have read all year.

I loved the unique, memorable and very twisted central idea that Heath came up with for Kill Your Husbands, as murderous partner swapping is honestly it was one of the more amusing and outrageous plot focuses I have seen.  Starting off with a quick introduction sequence, the reader is soon enthralled in split focus narrative throughout Kill Your Husbands as half the chapters recount the weekend of the murders and the events leading up to the killings, while the rest of the chapters are set after the murders and focus on Senior Constable Kiara Lui, a supporting character from Kill Your Brother, as she attempts to solve the crime.  This proves to be a very clever and impressive way to showcase the plot, and I loved the simultaneous look at the investigation, the weekend in question, and all the key events that led up to the crime.  Both separate storylines are very interesting and compelling in their own way, especially as they paint two different pictures of the chaotic events in question.  Thanks to Heath using first names during the chapters set in the past and only referring to surnames when it comes to the later investigation, you don’t get any spoilers about what is going to happen during the weekend.  As such, it isn’t until the end of the book that you are completely certain about who dies and who survives, and this allows you to remain on the edge of your seat as your watch the chaotic events unfold.

Heath paces out both arcs of the story extremely well, and they work well together to tell an intriguing and powerful story.  The scenes set in the past tell a powerful and character-driven tale, with flashbacks to prior interactions, details about their turbulent relationships, and a great range of petty slights that ensure everyone had a motive for killing the rest of the group.  Heath ensures that the characters are all stewing in this during the early chapters in the mountain before the partner swapping scene occurs.  The author sets this up perfectly, with the subterfuge, secret plans, and hidden desires all coming into their choices, and the resulting chaos sufficiently messing with them.  As such, all of them are primed to be the killer when the first victim emerges, and the subsequent environment of fear, suspicion and hatred make for some outstanding scenes, especially when all their secrets come to light.

At the same time, the reader gets a fantastic look at the ongoing investigation being undertaken by Kiara as she tries to get to grips with the case.  There are some great scenes here, especially as Kiara independently uncovers the secrets of the three married couples, which works into the other timeline extremely well.  There are some fun moments in this part of the investigation, especially when Kiara and Elise make the interesting decision to book out the murder house for a holiday so they can try and find some answers, while also dealing with their own intense personal issues.  While there are some excellent moments in this part of the book, the investigation angle of Kill Your Husbands is the weaker half of the novel, mostly because it lacks the juicy details the lead up to all the murders.  I also didn’t think that Heath needed to shoehorn in the characters from Kill Your Brother into the plot, as fresh new police protagonists would have also been just as effective.  Still this second half of the book was very fascinating, and the clues revealed within give you some great hints about who the killer is and how they got away with it.

The eventual solution for Kill Your Husbands is exceedingly clever, and I really liked how all the key events of the book played out.  The climax of the murderous weekend is pretty damn shocking in its entirety, and I loved just how well Heath managed to keep secret who survived and who died right until the end.  The killer’s motivations and the events that drove them to it are well set out, and the scenes where they commit their crimes really drive home just how dangerous they are.  Certain other reveals towards the end of the book, especially when Kiara gets close to the truth, reveal just how clever this entire story is, and I loved how certain innocuous mentions or clues are well utilised later in the story.  The entire solution of the book, as well as the final confrontation between Kiara and the killer are just perfect, and you will come away from Kill Your Husbands extremely satisfied after travelling through such a captivating, unique and brilliant mystery.

This elaborate story and murder mystery wouldn’t be possible without the great characters featured in Kill Your Husbands.  I particularly loved the six friends who journeyed to the cabin and who end up being pulled into the deadly partner swapping/murder plot.  Heath does a wonderful job of effectively introducing them and you get drawn into their complex lives, filled with emotional damage and occasionally petty problems.  While you do feel sorry for some of the characters, most of them are somewhat despicable and unlikeable to a degree, which ensures that are highly interesting and fun in the context of the main murder.  I loved how many personal issues and secrets came out as the story progressed, and you really get invested in seeing who the killer is, possibly more than finding out who survived.  I loved how fun and interesting these main characters where and Heath did such a great job featuring him in this crazy story.

The other major characters are Senior Constable Kiara Lui and her girlfriend, Elise, who serve as the main figures in the investigation arc of the book.  As I mentioned about, Kiara and Elise both appeared in Kill Your Brother, with Elise serving as the main character of that novel.  However, Elise takes more of a backseat here with Kiara stepping up and leading the investigation.  While I don’t think Kill Your Husbands really needed some of the drama and ongoing trauma surrounding these characters, I did enjoy seeing them still together after the events of Kill Your Brother, and I liked how Heath moved Kiara more to the fore in this book.  Kiara was a badass investigator, and it was great to see her try to prove herself while also still concerned about her clearly traumatised girlfriend.  For her part, Elise is still trying to prove herself after her controversial past the helpless position she found herself in during the events of Kill Your Brother.  As such, she takes some big risks and acts very recklessly in this book, often to the detriment of Kiara’s investigation or emotions.  This extra layer of emotional charge ensured that Kill Your Husbands’ plot was a little more convoluted and intense, and I did enjoy seeing these two characters again.  That being said, you don’t need to have read Kill Your Brother to full appreciate these characters in this sequel, and you can get the full range of emotions from reading Kill Your Husbands as a standalone read.  I honestly came away from Kill Your Husbands very impressed with how Heath introduced and utilised his characters and they were such a distinctive and fun group of figures who were perfect to get wrapped up in a murder.

Overall, Kill Your Husbands was another outstanding and compelling novel from Jack Heath, who continues to show why he is the master of crazy Australian crime fiction.  Heath had a lot of fun with his outrageous plot and the way he worked his excellent and damaged characters into this complex murder mystery was very impressive.  A captivating and dark read from start to finish, Kill Your Husbands is one of the most memorable and intense Australian thrillers of 2023 and Heath is a must-read author for anyone looking for some truly shocking and mental crime fiction.


Quick Review – The Pit by Peter Papathanasiou

The Pit Cover

Publisher: Maclehose Press (Trade Paperback – 25 July 2023)

Series: DS George Manolis – Book Three

Length: 297 pages

My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars


Australian author Peter Papathanasiou returns with his third DS George Manolis novel, The Pit, a complex and intriguing piece of Australian crime fiction that takes three unlikely companions on a memorable road trip.

Plot Synopsis:

A third outback noir from Peter Papathanasiou, following Special Constable Sparrow as he investigates a cold case in a barren mining region of Western Australia.

With DS Manolis on leave in Greece, Senior Constable Sparrow receives a phone call from a man who wants to turn himself in.

Bob is sixty-five years old, confined to a Perth nursing home. But thirty years ago, he killed a man in the remote northern Kimberley mining region. He offers to show Sparrow where the body is, but there’s a catch: Sparrow must travel north with him under the guise of being his carer.

They are accompanied on the drive by another nursing home resident: Luke, thirty years old, paralysed in a motorbike accident. As they embark on their road trip through the guts of Western Australia, pursued by outback police and adrenaline-soaked miners, Sparrow begins to suspect that Bob’s desire to head north may have sinister motivations. Is Luke being held against his will? And what lies in store for them when they reach their goal?

The Pit
proved to be quite an interesting and compelling novel which honestly was very different from what I was expecting.  I thought this would be more of a standard crime fiction/murder mystery novel in the Australian wilderness, but instead I got a character driven story that dove into one protagonist’s complex life, and I honestly think it worked out better this way.

The plot of The Pit is very far removed from Papathanasiou’s previous DS George Manolis novels, with the protagonist of the first two books not even actually appearing.  Instead we get an intriguing story about supporting character Special Constable Sparrow, who finds himself presented with an unusual opportunity by an old man, Bob, wanting to confess to a 30-year-old murder.  While I do think that Sparrow agreed to Bob’s strange request without backup a little too readily, it sets up an interesting and heartfelt storyline where Sparrow accompanies Bob and Bob’s unsuspecting young protégé, Luke, across Western Australia into the heart of mining country.  The narrative splits into two separate timelines at this point, with the main narrative focusing on the three companions as they travel across the Pilbara, getting into all manner of trouble and meeting a range of outrageous and unique outback locals.  The other main storyline is a series of intense flashbacks that examine the full life of Bob and the many hardships he experienced as a homosexual man in Australia from the 1960s onwards.  There is also a subplot that follows the friendship Bob formed with Luke in the nursing home and why Bob decided to take him on the road trip.

These different fantastic storylines are interesting and emotional in their own way, and the reader gets heavily invested in seeing both the past and the present.  Bob’s tragic and violent life story really drags the reader in, and it was fascinating to see his take on the homosexual experience throughout various periods of recent Australian history.  At the same time, you get quite entranced by the unique friendship that forms between the three road trippers, especially as each of them has their own secrets, personal issues and emotional turmoil.  I felt that the darker past storylines blended well with the unusual hijinks of the modern storyline, and the hidden clues in Bob’s recounting of events ended up having some interesting impacts on the central story.  These split storylines come together in an excellent way, and Papathanasiou really lays on the tragedy in the main narrative threads, especially when it comes to Bob and the tragedies he’s experienced.  The ending of the book is quietly poignant and ultimately unavoidable, and you will come away quite moved by how everything turned out and how the main characters developed.

Papathanasiou backed up this emotionally rich story with some fantastic and highly detailed background settings.  The Pilbara in particular is shown in all its red glory, and the author does a remarkable job describing its harsh beauty and the heavy burden of those who traverse it.  The anecdotes about the unusual people who worked in the Pilbara, both in the modern day and in the 1970s and 80s, are pretty over-the-top and very entertaining to absorb.  I do hope that Papathanasiou was exaggerating just how crazy everyone out in the Pilbara is, as there were a lot of unsettling and concerning characters involved who added some interesting spice to the story.  The memorable social interactions and courtship rituals of the repressed male Pilbara mining community back in the 1970s also seemed a bit unlikely, and I doubt I will be able look at a ute full of blokes the same way again after reading this book.  These outrageous scenes were quite entertaining, and I think they helped to enhance some of the more emotional parts of the book in greater detail.  Throw in other interesting historical locations, such as Sydney during the AIDS epidemic, and you have a fantastic background to this intense story that Papathanasiou used to full effect to tell his unique story.

Overall, The Pit was quite a memorable and compelling read by Papathanasiou, who told quite a complex Australian tale.  As a dramatic Australian tale with historical elements more than a pure crime fiction read, The Pit was a fantastic book that beautifully dove into some dark issues and showcased some amazing characters.  Charming and heartbreaking, The Pit was an excellent piece of Australian fiction that is well worth checking out.
