WWW Wednesday – 26 June 2024

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words, where bloggers share the books that they’ve recently finished, what they are currently reading and what books they are planning to read next. Essentially you have to answer three questions (the Three Ws):

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

So, let’s get to it.

What are you currently reading:

The Mercy Chair by M. W. Craven (ebook)

The Mercy Chair Cover

I started reading the compelling murder mystery The Mercy Chair by M. W. Craven this week.  A unique and dark mystery that sees Craven’s long-running protagonist and his unusual partner investigating a religiously motivated killing.  I have made a bit of progress on The Mercy Chair, and I am getting really drawn into the compelling narrative, especially the complex and intriguing mystery.  I am hoping to knock off a fair bit of The Mercy Chair in the next day or two and I am very curious to see how it all comes together.



Goodbye Girl by James Grippando (Audiobook)

Goodbye Girl Cover

I finally started listening to the cool legal thriller, Goodbye Girl by James Grippando this week, which has been on my to-read list for a while now.  The latest book in Grippando’s Jack Swyteck series, Goodbye Girl features a curious case of deceit, murder and online pirating that I am finding very addictive.  I am making very quick progress on this book, and I cannot wait to see how Goodbye Girl continues.


What did you recently finish reading?

You Like It Darker by Stephen King (Trade Paperback)

You Like It Darker Cover

I finished off the new Stephen King book, You Like It Darker, this week and it ended up being particularly epic.  Featuring 12 great short stories, You Like It Darker was an exceptional book, and I honestly got so drawn in to some of King’s unique and varied narratives.



Star Trek: Pliable Truths by Dayton Ward (Audiobook)

Star Trek - Pliable Truths Cover

An excellent Star Trek novel that served as a very entertaining bridge between The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine television series.  This was an outstanding listen, and I’m really glad I decided to check it out. 


What do you think you’ll read next?

NecroTek by Jonathan Maberry (Audiobook)

Necrotek Cover

If I manage to get through Goodbye Girl this week I’ll probably start listening to NecroTek by Jonathan Maberry next.  A dark science fiction novel with heavy Lovecraftian vibes, NecroTek sounds very awesome, and I have been hoping to read this book all year.  This should be a pretty epic release from Maberry, and I look forward to checking it out.



That’s it for this week, check back in next Wednesday to see what progress I’ve made on my reading and what books I’ll be looking at next.

Top Ten Tuesday – Books on my Autumn 2024 To-Be-Read (TBR) List

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme that currently resides at The Artsy Reader Girl and features bloggers sharing lists on various book topics.  The official Top Ten Tuesday topic for this week required participants to list the most unusual topics that they have looked up online as a result of reading a book, which while interesting, wasn’t something I felt I could contribute to.  However, as this is the first Tuesday of March, I thought this would be a good opportunity to do my quarterly post about the best upcoming books to read in Autumn (Spring for folks in the Northern Hemisphere).  This is a regular post I do at the start of each season, and I always love to highlight some of the most impressive sounding novels coming out in the next three months.

For this list, I have come up with the ten books coming out between 1 March 2024 and 31 May 2024 that I am most excited for.  There are quite a few very cool novels set for release in the next few months that I am looking forward to, including some of my most anticipated books of the year (as well as my most anticipated fantasy/science fiction books of the year).  Due to how impressive some of these upcoming books are, it took me a little while to finalise my list, but I was eventually able to whittle it down into a Top Ten list (with a few honourable mentions).  I have primarily used the Australian publication dates to reflect when I will be able to get these awesome novels, and these might be somewhat different to the rest of the world.  I have previously discussed a number of these books before in prior Waiting on Wednesday articles and I think all of them will turn out to be incredible reads.  I am really excited for the next three months as quite a few up these upcoming reads have the potential to be some of my favourite books of 2024.

Honourable Mentions:

White Ash Ridge by S. R. White – 14 March 2024

White Ash Ridge Cover

A cool, imminent Australian murder mystery with a very intriguing premise behind it.



The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill – 19 March 2024

The Mystery Writer Cover

Another unique novel from one of Australia’s best crime fiction authors.



Behind a Closed Door by J.D. Barker – 13 May 2024

Behind A Closed Door Cover

A brilliant and dark thriller from the always impressive J. D. Barker



The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton – 21 May 2024

The Last Murder at the End of the World Cover

A fantastic sounding science fiction thriller with a particularly distinctive murder premise behind it.


Top Ten List:

Devil’s Kitchen by Candice Fox – 26 March 2024

Devil's Kitchen Cover

The first book on this list is probably the novel I will be reading next, with Devil’s Kitchen by Candice Fox.  A compelling and fun sounding thriller by one of Australia’s most popular crime fiction authors, Devil’s Kitchen sounds extremely awesome and I cannot wait to read it, especially after how much I enjoyed The Murder Inn by Fox earlier this year.



Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky – 28 March 2024

Alien Clay Cover

After his exceptional 2023, where he released both City of Last Chances and House of Open Wounds (two of my favourite books of 2023), I am eagerly waiting to read all of Adrian Tchaikovsky’s upcoming books.  His first 2024 release is Alien Clay, an outstanding and entertaining science fiction read set in a deadly prison on an alien planet.  It sounds like Alien Clay will combine over-the-top characters with unique science fiction concepts and I have no doubt that this is going to be one of the most entertaining reads of the next three months.



The Book That Broke the World by Mark Lawrence – 9 April 2024

The Book That Broke the World Cover

The gripping sequel to Lawrence’s exceptional 2023 novel, The Book That Wouldn’t Burn, The Book That Broke the World is an awesome upcoming read that I am so very excited for.  Continuing the elaborate narrative started in The Book That Wouldn’t Burn, which follows two connected characters whose lives revolve around a massive library; The Book That Broke the World will no doubt contain more of Lawrence’s exceptional world building and amazing storytelling.



Star Wars: The Living Force by John Jackson Miller – 9 April 2024

Star Wars - The Living Force Cover

It has been a little while since I read a Star Wars novel, but that is going to change in April when I get my hands on The Living Force by John Jackson Miller.  Set before the events of The Phantom Menace, The Living Force has an intriguing story that will expand out the early lore of the Star Wars franchise.  I cannot wait to see what excellent story Miller has planned for The Living Force, and I have no doubt I am going to love this book.



Death on the Tiber by Lindsey Davis – 9 April 2024

Death on the Tiber Cover

One of my favourite historical fiction authors, Lindsey Davis, will continue her impressive Flavia Albia series in April with the new book, Death on the Tiber.  Featuring another intriguing mystery set in ancient Rome, Death on the Tiber promises to be a particularly awesome addition to the series, especially as it pits the protagonist against an old foe from her traumatic past.



Warhammer 40,000: Deathworlder by Victoria Hayward – 23 April 2024

Warhammer 40,000 - Deathworlder Cover

I have been loving some of the great Warhammer 40,000 novels in 2024, but one of my most anticipated releases is Deathworlder by Victoria Hayward.  Set to feature the ultimate battle of survival between the hardest human jungle warriors in the canon and the deadliest aliens, Deathworlder has so much awesome potential and I cannot wait to get my hands on it.



The Silverblood Promise by James Logan – 7 May 2024

The Silverblood Promise Cover

The fantasy release that has me most intrigued in the next few months is The Silverblood Promise.  The debut novel of James Logan, The Silverblood Promise will combine a cool new fantasy world with thrilling criminal intrigue, as a young lord tries to determine who killed his father in a deadly city.  This book sounds so damn amazing, and I am hoping to dive into it very soon.



The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe – 14 May 2024

The Girl in Question Cover

Back in 2021, I had the very great pleasure of reading The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe, a young adult thriller that pitted a teenage con artist with a past against deadly bank robbers.  I absolutely loved The Girls I’ve Been, and I was excited to find out a sequel, The Girl in Question, is coming out in May.  Set to follow the protagonist as she once again faces off against the ghosts of her past, The Girl in Question is going to be outstanding and I cannot wait to read it.



Cloaked Deception by Timothy Zahn – 14 May 2024

Cloaked Deception Cover

One of the more unique books coming out in Autumn this year is Cloaked Deception by Timothy Zahn.  An epic and entertaining science fiction thriller, Cloaked Deception features a brilliant narrative that will see a deadly assassination plan involving nuclear weapons become entangled with the theft of advanced cloaking technology.  I love the over-the-top plot of this book, and I cannot wait to see how it unfolds.



Necrotek by Jonathan Maberry – 28 May 2024

Necrotek Cover

The final book I want to highlight on this list is Necrotek by one of my favourite authors Jonathan Maberry.  The first book in a new series from Maberry, Necrotek is a dark and brutal sounding piece of science fiction that will see human scientists encounter a deadly, Lovecraftian threat in space.  I have no doubt that Maberry is going to deliver another outstanding read here with Necrotek and I cannot wait to get my hands on its audiobook version, especially with the always amazing Ray Porter narrating it.




Well, that is the end of my Top Ten list.  I think it turned out pretty well and it does a good job of capturing all my most anticipated books for the next three months.  Each of the above should be extremely epic, and I cannot wait to read each of them soon.  Let me know which of the above you are most excited for and stay tuned for reviews of them in the next few months.  In the meantime, it looks like I have quite a few books to get through soon and they should all be pretty awesome.

Top Ten Tuesday –Most Anticipated Fantasy/Science Fiction Books Releasing in the First Half of 2024:

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme that currently resides at The Artsy Reader Girl and features bloggers sharing lists on various book topics. For the first Top Ten Tuesday, I will be listing my most anticipated upcoming books for the first half of the year.  This is a regular post I do each year and I always look forward to highlighting the most awesome looking books for the start of the year.  Because there are so many incredible reads coming out across the genres, I am doing two versions of this list, this first one that will exclusively look at upcoming fantasy and science fiction books, and another that will focus on upcoming books from other genres, including thrillers, crime fiction, historical fiction and more.

2024 is shaping up to be an outstanding year for fantasy and science fiction with a ton of epic and amazing sounding novels set for release throughout the year.  I am particularly excited about the next six months as there are some deeply impressive books coming out that I am extremely keen for.  This includes some fantastic sounding sequels, continuations to brilliant series, and several cool new novels from some very talented authors.  I have already highlighted several of these books in some previous lists and Waiting on Wednesday articles which has made me really appreciate just how awesome the upcoming year is going to be in the fantasy and science fiction space, hence this list.

Just like with my other list of the night, I am only featuring books that are set for release in Australia or on Netgalley between 1 January 2024 and 30 June 2024 which I have some descent details about.  Despite only being fantasy and science fiction books, I ended up with a huge collection of exceptional novels that I wanted to feature, which made completing this list surprisingly difficult.  I was eventually able to break it down to the best 10 books (with honourable mentions), and I feel that I have capture the books that are going to be the best fantasy and science fiction reads of 2024.  So let us see what made the cut.

Honourable Mentions:

The Burning Land by David Hair – 1 February 2024

The Burning Land Cover

An intriguing and awesome sound fantasy adventure that will see a group of knights go rogue to try and find the truth about the supposedly holy order that they serve.



The Trials of Empire by Richard Swan – 13 February 2024

The Trails of Empire Cover

While I am sure that The Trials of Empire is going to be high up on many people’s to-read list for 2024, I’m going to keep it as an honourable mention mainly because I haven’t had the chance to read the second novel, The Tyranny of Faith, yet.  I am hoping to read The Tyranny of Faith before The Trials of Empire comes out, so I can enjoy this awesome sounding novel later this year.



Exit Black by Joe Pitkin – 20 February 2024

Exit Black Cover

An intriguing science fiction thriller about a futuristic space hotel for the wealthy taken over by terrorists.  Should be very, very fun.


Top Ten List:

The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett – 13 February 2024

The Tainted Cup Cover

One of the most anticipated fantasy releases of 2024, The Tainted Cup is an awesome and intricate novel that will force two unusual detectives to investigate a death apparently committed by impossible magic.  Robert Jackson Bennett is an outstanding author, and I look forward to immersing myself in his new elaborate world.



Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky – 28 March 2024

Alien Clay Cover

An intriguing science fiction thriller set in a massive prison on an alien world, Alien Clay will follow a scientist’s attempts to uncover the secrets of the planet while also dodging the prison’s dangerous warden.  I have really grown to enjoy Tchaikovsky’s writing, especially after his amazing 2023 novels, City of Last Chances and House of Open Wounds, and I have no doubt that Alien Clay will be a fun and impressive read.



The Book That Broke the World by Mark Lawrence – 9 April 2024

The Book That Broke the World Cover

After deeply impressing me with the incredible and inventive The Book That Wouldn’t Burn (one of my favourite books of 2023), Mark Lawrence continues The Library trilogy in a big way with The Book That Broke the World.  Continuing to follow his intriguing protagonists as they attempt to uncover the crazy secrets of the impossible library at the centre of their lives, The Book That Broke the World looks set to provide more peak Lawrence creativity and imagination and I cannot wait to see what happens next in this amazing series.



Star Wars: The Living Force by John Jackson Miller – 9 April 2024

Star Wars - The Living Force Cover

I’ve been a bit remiss with my Star Wars reading lately, and I’m hoping to make that up this year by checking out the cool new novel by John Jackson Miller, Star Wars: The Living Force.  Set before the events of The Phantom Menace, The Living Force will follow Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and all twelve members of the Jedi Council as they investigate how Jedi are perceived in the universe.  Authored by one of the top authors of tie-in fiction, The Living Force should be a pretty awesome read and I am deeply intrigued about a story focusing on the Jedi Council and their politics.



Extinction by Douglas Preston – 23 April 2024

Extinction Cover

One of the more entertaining and awesome upcoming books of 2024 is Extinction by veteran thriller and science fiction author Douglas Preston.  Set in a resort where ancient animals have been brought back to life with genetic manipulation (when does that ever go wrong), the book will see guests murdered and kidnapped by a gang of eco-terrorists.  Sounding like a fantastic mix of Die Hard and Jurassic Park, I love everything about Extinction, and I am hoping to read it soon.



Warhammer 40,000: Deathworlder by Victoria Hayward – 23 April 2024

Warhammer 40,000 - Deathworlder Cover

It wouldn’t be one of my lists without at least one Warhammer 40,000 novel, which has been such an epic franchise for me lately.  While there are several great Warhammer 40,000 books coming out in 2024, the one from the first half of the year that appeals to me the most is Deathworlder by Victoria Hayward.  Hayward’s debut novel, Deathworlder will pit two of this universe’s best jungle fighters against each other, as the human Catachan troopers attempt to navigate a world actively being consumed by the insidious alien Tyranids.  This will probably end up being a disturbing and grim survivalist adventure, and I know I will love every second of it.



The Silverblood Promise by James Logan – 7 May 2024

The Silverblood Promise Cover

One of the books I’m particularly excited for this year is the excellent fantasy debut, The Silverblood Promise by James Logan. This awesome novel will follow a disappointing and caddish heir to a noble house who is thrust into a leadership position and must find out who is responsible for his father’s death in a deadly city of rogues and liars.  I love the sound of this book and it has the potential to be one of the best debuts of 2024.



The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton – 21 May 2024

The Last Murder at the End of the World Cover

An awesome science fiction murder mystery that I am really looking forward to in 2024 is the intriguing and complex The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton.  Set in the last human settlement after a mysterious apocalypse, the book will see a deadly murder occurs that threatens the entire colony.  To stay alive the protagonists will need to solve the murder before their sanctuary is destroyed, however, the settlement’s security protocols have been activated and erased everyone’s memory of the night in question, even the killers.  Bound to be one of the most compelling and unique murder mysteries of 2024, I am very hyped for The Last Murder at the End of the World, and this should be an exceptional read from Turton. 



Necrotek by Jonathan Maberry – 28 May 2024

Necrotek Cover

One of my favourite authors, Jonathan Maberry, returns with an awesome and intense new book in 2024, with Necrotek.  Maberry, who deeply impressed me with his 2023 releases, Son of the Poison Rose and Cave 13 (both of which were amongst my favourite books and audiobooks of 2023), has a great writing style and I look forward to seeing how it translates across to the science fiction genre with Necrotek.  Featuring a dark and horror themed narrative, Necrotek will be Maberry’s first pure science fiction novel, and I cannot wait to dive into his elaborate tale of eldritch space horrors, ancient alien technology, and immortal souls being lodged in deadly machinery.  I have no doubt this will be one of my favourite books of 2024 and I am so damn excited for it.



Service Model by Adrian Tchaikovsky – 4 June 2024

Service Model Cover

Another outstanding Adrian Tchaikovsky novel coming out in the first half of 2024 is the epic sounding Service Model.  Following a service robot who gains sentience and decides to rebel against its human masters, Service Model has a particularly entertaining plot behind it that looks to be quite amusing while also serving as a critique humanity’s growing reliance on technology.  This honestly sounds like one of the funniest books of the year, and I look forward to seeing even more outrageous adventures, witty comedy and intense social commentary from one of science fiction’s top authors.



Well, that’s the end of this first list.  As you can see, there are some mighty impressive fantasy and science fiction books coming out the first half of this year.  All the above entries on this list have an incredible amount of potential and I have a feeling I am going to deeply enjoy every single of one of these great reads.  2024 is going to be an outstanding year for these two genres, not only with these amazing books, but because of some of the other ones potentially coming out later this year.  I look forward to seeing how all these cool novels turn out and I think I am going to have an incredible time reading fantasy and science fiction in 2024.  Make sure to also check out my other Top Ten List that looks at the top upcoming books of 2024 from the other genres.

Waiting on Wednesday – NecroTek and The Dragon in Winter by Jonathan Maberry

Welcome to my weekly segment, Waiting on Wednesday, where I look at upcoming books that I am planning to order and review in the next few months and which I think I will really enjoy.  I run this segment in conjunction with the Can’t-Wait Wednesday meme that is currently running at Wishful Endings.  Stay tuned to see reviews of these books when I get a copy of them.  In this week’s Waiting on Wednesday, I highlight two awesome upcoming books coming out in 2024 from one of my favourite authors, Jonathan Maberry.

Reader’s familiar with The Unseen Library will be well aware that I am a massive fan of horror and thriller author Jonathan Maberry, whose work I first fell in love with during the early days of my blog.  There have been so many great books from Maberry over the years, such as his cool standalone novel Ink (one of my favourite books and audiobooks of 2020) and all the awesome books from his exceptional and fun Joe Ledger science fiction thriller series.  I have a lot of love for all the impressive Joe Ledger novels, including the books from the original series like Patient Zero, Assassin’s Code, Code Zero, Dogs of War and Deep Silence, and the books from the sequel Rogue Team International series, Rage (one of my favourite books and audiobooks of 2019), Relentless (one of my favourite books and audiobooks of 2021), and the recently released Cave 13.

Due to how much I have enjoyed Maberry’s books over the years, I am always keeping an eye out for any future releases coming our way from him.  Well, it looks like Maberry fans are in for a real treat in 2024 as the author has another two books planned for next year.  Both of these novels are highly appealing to me in their own unique way, and I look forward to checking them both out soon.

Necrotek Cover


The first upcoming book that I need to highlight is the fantastic and awesome sounding read, NecroTek, which is coming out in May 2024.  Released in collaboration with the horror icon Weird Tales magazine (which Maberry is currently the editor of), NecroTek see’s Maberry take on the science fiction genre with several human protagonists launched into a dark dimension where ancient horrors live and the only means of surviving and saving Earth might reside in some deadly, necromantic alien technology.

Plot Synopsis:

From New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Maberry, NecroTek is a gripping sci fi thriller full of ghosts, Gods, and a battle for the soul of humanity.

Neither cosmic philosopher Lars Soren, hotshot pilot Bianca Petrescu, nor the high priestess Jessica McHugh—Lady Death herself—can say quite where in the galaxy they are. But after an experiment gone horribly wrong, one thing is Asphodel Station isn’t in orbit around Jupiter any longer. Worse, the monsters that live out here—ancient eldritch beings thought only to exist in stories and nightmares—have now been alerted to Earth’s existence.

Their army of Shoggoths is coming for us next.

Humanity’s only hope for survival lies on the surface of the alien world of Shadderal, where a ghost named Lost, the last of an ancient race, still haunts the vast plains of the Field of Dead Birds. But hope has a cost. Lost tells Soren about ancient derelict spacecraft awaiting on Shadderal, shapeshifting machines that blend ultra-advanced technology with the dark powers of necromancy. These ships might just be nimble enough to defend mankind against the coming invasion.

But there’s a they can only be piloted by the dead.

As human starfighters fall in battle, their spirits can be called back from death to pilot these ghost ships of a fallen race. But will this new necromantic technology—NecroTek—allow humanity to stand against the vast armies of the Shoggoths? And even if it can, is the war to save the human race worth the cost of its pilots’ immortal souls?

Why am I not surprised that a Jonathan Maberry book set in outer space would force its protagonists to face off against an army of Lovecraftian monsters?  Maberry is a huge Lovecraft fan, and many of his books contain some of monsters and creatures.  As such, featuring them in a book partially brought to us by Weird Tales, which has its own connections with H. P. Lovecraft, is a pretty nice homage.  I love the idea of Earth being threatened by these monsters after several humans are sent to a hell dimension, and I am expecting some major horror elements in NecroTek as a result.  The concept of the titular NecroTek, which grabs the souls of fallen humans and use them to power dead alien ships is really cool, and I cannot wait to see what sort of crazy, negative side effects that has.  I am honestly very excited for NecroTek, especially as it will allow me to see Maberry’s first dive into full-on science fiction, and it will be great to have a whole new series from this author to focus on.

The Dragon in Winter Cover


In addition to NecroTek, Maberry also has a second book coming out in 2024 with the third and final Kagen the Damned novel, The Dragon in Winter.  The Kagen the Damned series is a brilliant, recent body of work from Maberry that represents the author’s first foray into fantasy fiction.  A dark and brutal series, the Kagen the Damned books follow an emotionally wrecked protagonist who loses everything, including the love of his gods, after the royal family he was sworn to protect is brutally murdered by the armies of the nefarious Witch-king.  Brutal, bloody, and loaded with compelling worldbuilding and complex characters, the Kagen the Damned series is so damn awesome and I have had an excellent time getting through it.  The series has so far featured two exceptional novels, including Kagen the Damned (one of my favourite books and audiobooks of 2022) and Son of the Poison Rose (one of my favourite books and audiobooks from the first half of 2023), and I loved every second I spent reading them.

Luckily, it looks like I don’t have too much longer to wait to see how this compelling series ends as the final Kagen the Damned book is set for release in August 2024.  This book, The Dragon in Winter, will see Kagen finally face off against the Witch-king, with magic, dark forces, an ancient dragon, and a mysterious being of unimaginable power, all getting thrust into the mix.

Plot Synopsis:

The Dragon in Winter brings New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Maberry’s epic Kagen the Damned Trilogy to a wild conclusion!

War is coming! War is here! The Witch-king of Hakkia, aided by terrifying dark forces, sits uneasy on his stolen throne. His enemies, led by Kagen the Damned and the Bloody Bastards have found the secrets of ancient magic they hope will defeat him. Strange forces gather on both sides – vast armies of both the living and the dead, devious trickster spirits, strange gods, warrior ghosts, undying vampires, blood plagues that drive people to murderous rage, immortal faeries, and Earth’s last dragon.

Kagen knows that he faces the impossible task of toppling a usurper whose dark magic conquered an empire in a single night. But the Damned fear nothing and there are no limits to what Kagen will do to destroy the Witch-king. With his allies he will tear apart the veils that separate our world from the infinite realms of supernatural magic. The Witch-king will not go down with a fight, and he is willing to drown the western lands in innocent blood to retain his stolen crown. Even if he rules over an empire of dust and blood. His power is growing and soon he will be unstoppable.

But they are not the only forces at work in the world. Magic of all kinds is awakening and who can tell which side they will pick…or if they will pose a new and terrible threat to all! In the frozen North, the last dragon –tortured, captive, dying― cries out in despair. In the inky vastness of the outer dark that cry is heard! And something of incalculable power is coming in answer.

I am very, very excited to get my hands on The Dragon in Winter next year and I already know it’s going to be one of the best books of 2024.  Maberry has done a remarkable job with his first fantasy series, and I have loved seeing his typical fun writing style transferred to a dark fantasy storyline.  The elaborate plots, damaged protagonists, and huge array of horror-inspired antagonists makes for quite a gripping read and the Kagen the Damned books is one of the most distinctive fantasy series at the moment.  The above plot synopsis sounds extremely impressive, and it is going to be fun to see the long-anticipated continent spanning war to destroy the antagonist and his dark hordes.  I am particularly keen to see the final showdown between Kagen and the Witch-king, especially as they have quite the complicated history, and knowing Maberry there is a very good chance his protagonist isn’t going to survive.  Throw in some memorable new supporting villains, as well as the mysterious ancient power that is coming at the beckoning of the tortured dragon, and this should prove to be a very intense and destructive read.

Due to how much I have enjoyed Maberry’s work in the past there is absolutely no way that I won’t have an outstanding time with both upcoming books in 2024.  Both NecroTek and The Dragon in Winter are going to be dark, complex, and powerful books and I will make sure to read them as soon as possible.  I will probably try to get them both on audiobook, especially if Ray Porter returns as narrator, and they should make for quite the epic listen.