Top Ten Tuesday – Top New-to-Me Authors I Read in 2023

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme that currently resides at The Artsy Reader Girl and features bloggers sharing lists on various book topics.  The official topic for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday looked at books on ones Summer 2023-24 to-read list.  However, due to wanting to get a start on my end of year best of lists, I actually covered this topic a couple of weeks ago.  Instead, I will be moving forward the official topic from 30 January 2024 and looking at New-to-Me Authors I discovered in 2023.  This is a list I have covered for the last couple of years (make sure to check out my 20192020, 2021 and 2022 versions), and it is one that I always have a lot of fun doing.

Each year I am lucky enough to read a great number of awesome novels and this often includes books written by authors whose work I was previously unfamiliar with.  2023 was a particularly good example of this as there were an incredible collection of amazing novels written by authors who were completely new to me.  This included some debuting authors, as well as more established writers whose work I only got around to reading this year.  Many of these new-to-me authors produced some truly exceptional novels, including one or two which I consider to be some of the best books released in 2023 (more on that later), and I really feel the need to highlight them here.

To appear on this list, the book had to be one I read this year and be written by an author who I was unfamiliar with before 2023.  If I had not read anything from this author before last year, it was eligible to appear here, although I did exclude debut novels as I am going to cover those in another list.  Even with debuting authors excluded, I still had a massive amount of potential inclusions, as I apparently got through 31 new authors in 2023.  After some hard work, I was able to whittle this down to a manageable top ten list, with my usual generous honourable mentions section.  I am really surprised at some of the impressive and enjoyable authors I had to exclude from this list, and I was honestly tempted to increase this to a top twenty list.  I managed to resist and I think the below entry really highlights the best new-to-me authors I enjoyed in 2023.  It does crossover a little bit with my top pre-2023 books list I published last week, but I am still pretty happy with it. 

Honourable Mention:

Marsheila Rockwell – The Hunger

The Hunger Cover

My first book from Rockwell was a zombie-filled book set in the Marvel Universe, need I say more?



Darius Hinks – Leviathan

Warhammer 40,000 - Leviathan Cover

Hinks wowed me with this dark and brutal Warhammer 40,000 read, that saw an entire world slowly digested by an advancing alien fleet. 



Martha Wells – Witch King

Witch King Cover

I have been meaning to read one of Martha Wells’ books for years, especially her science fiction works, but this cool fantasy release proved to be an excellent introduction to an intriguing author.



Gav Thorpe – Grudge Bearer, 13th Legion and Kill Team

13th Legion Cover 2

I read several great Gav Thorpe books for the first time this year, including novels from both the Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Fantasy ranges.  My favourites were probably the Last Chancer novels, 13th Legion and Kill Team, although the standalone fantasy novel Grudge Bearer was also really fun. 


Top Ten List:

James Islington – The Will of the Many

The Will of the Many Cover

James Islington is a name that is going to be coming up a lot in my end of year lists the next few weeks, mainly because the first novel of his I checked out was so damn epic.  That book is The Will of the Many, a complex and addictive fantasy novel that pits a fugitive prince against a conquering empire.  Featuring a compelling and unique magical system, a great setting, fantastic characters and an elaborate narrative loaded with betrayal, secrets, plots, survival and an amazing magical school storyline, The Will of the Many had everything I could have asked for and more.  One of the easiest five-star ratings I gave in 2023, I cannot wait to get my hands on the sequel next year.



John French – Cypher: Lord of the Fallen

Cypher - Lord of the Fallen Cover

There are going to be a few Warhammer 40,000 authors on this list, mainly because I dedicated a lot of 2023 to going back and reading some classic novels from this awesome franchise.  One of the cleverest Warhammer 40,000 novels I read this year is John French’s Cypher: Lord of the Fallen, which saw the universe’s most notorious fugitive infiltrate the most secure place imaginable, the Imperial Palace on Holy Terra.  Featuring a uniquely written story, loaded with sneaky misdirects, twists, and the most unreliable narrator imaginable, Cypher: Lord of the Fallen proved to be an outstanding introduction to author John French, and I had such a brilliant time with this amazing read.



Ian Ross – Battle Song

Battle Song Cover

Easily my favourite new-to-me historical fiction author in 2023 was Ian Ross.  I have heard some amazing things about Ross’s Roman historical fiction novels before, and I eagerly grabbed a copy his latest novel, Battle Song, when it came out.  An exciting and powerful read about a lesser-known English civil war, Battle Song followed two amazing protagonists during the height of the knightly age and the result was an action packed and historically rich novel.  I have so much love for Ross after reading Battle Song and I am eagerly awaiting the upcoming sequel, War Cry.



Guy Haley – Flesh and Steel

Flesh and Steel Cover

One major Warhammer 40,000 author I had an amazing time getting to know this year was Guy Haley, who has a range of great books under his belt.  I mainly got to know Haley thanks to his impressive Warhammer Crime novel Flesh and Steel.  One of the most unique buddy cop novels you are ever likely to read, Flesh and Steel was an outstanding book and it definitely made me want to check out more of Haley’s works.  I have several Haley’s audiobooks currently loaded onto my phone and I am hoping to enjoy them all next year.



Sebastien De Castell – The Malevolent Seven

The Malevolent Seven Cover

One of the most relentlessly entertaining new authors I checked out for the first time in 2023 was acclaimed fantasy writer Sebastien De Castell.  Known for his dark and elaborate fantasy worlds, I had my first introduction to De Castell when I read his hilarious and bloody novel The Malevolent Seven.  Setting seven unusual and maligned battle wizards on a path to becoming unlikely heroes, The Malevolent Seven was an incredible read that I absolutely powered through.  I really hope that De Castell releases a sequel to The Malevolent Seven soon and I must make an effort to read some of his other amazing fantasy novels/series.



Marc Collins – Grim Repast

Warhammer 40,000 - Grim Repast Cover

One of the main new-to-me authors who encouraged me to check out more Warhammer Crime novels in 2023 was the very talented Marc Collins who wowed me with the gritty novel, Grim Repast.  Following a damaged detective as he attempts to stop an influential and murderous cult in a downtrodden mega-city, Grim Repast was an impressive novel and one that really showcased just how good an author Collins is.



M. W. Craven – Fearless

Fearless Cover

An exceptional crime fiction author I read for the first time this year was bestselling writer M. W. Craven.  While Craven is probably best known for his Washington Poe series, my first experience of his works was the outrageous 2023 novel Fearless.  The start of a compelling new series that follows an arrogant, and literally fearless, drifter with a price on his head, Fearless was a blast from start to finish and Craven clearly had a great time coming up with this action-packed read.  I had a ton of fun with Fearless and Craven has a sequel set for next year that I am very excited for.



Sandy Mitchell – For The Emperor and Caves of Ice

Warhammer 40,000 - For the Emperor Cover

Well before 2023, I had heard some amazing things about Sandy Mitchell’s Ciaphas Cain series, which was apparently made up of the funniest Warhammer 40,000 novels out there.  Naturally I had to check this series out whilst I was on my 2023 Warhammer reading spree and I ended up enjoying the first two entries, For The Emperor and Caves of Ice.  Well, the rumours about how funny these books are proved to be very true as For The Emperor and Caves of Ice were both hilarious and clever novels that made full use of their grim background setting.  Following a cowardly officer who somehow gained a reputation as a legendary hero, these books see the titular Cain attempt all manner of schemes to survive and stay out of the fighting, only to be thrust into the most dangerous situations imaginable.  Very entertaining and featuring a particularly clever wit, the Ciaphas Cain books really showcased Mitchell’s exceptional writing skills and I cannot recommend this series enough, especially in its audiobook format.



Anthony McCarten – Going Zero

Going Zero Cover

I had to mention screenwriter and author Anthony McCarten on this list, as I was lucky enough to read a copy of his 2023 release Going Zero, which was so much fun.  Following a unique competition that sees multiple people attempt to hide from a new nationwide surveillance system, Going Zero went in some very interesting directions and ended up being a particularly entertaining and unique thriller.  An amazing read that served as a great introduction to McCarten.



Chris Wraight – Bloodlines

Warhammer 40,000 - Bloodlines Cover

The final entry on this list is Chris Wraight, who gave me one of my favourite Warhammer Crime novels in Bloodlines.  A gripping and memorable novel that makes excellent use of a both its classic police procedural storyline and the unique Warhammer 40,000 setting, Bloodlines was such a brilliant read and one that really deserves an immediate sequel.  Wraight really impressed me with this great novel and I need to go back and check out the rest of his contributions to the Warhammer 40,000 universe.



Well, that’s the end of this latest Top Ten list.  I think it turned out rather well and it encapsulates some of the best new authors I checked out in 2023.  I look forward to reading more books from these authors in the future and I have no doubt they will produce more epic and incredible reads.  Make sure to let me know which new authors you enjoyed in 2023 in the comments below and make sure to check back next week for another exciting end of 2023 list.

Fearless by M. W. Craven

Fearless Cover

Publisher: Constable (Trade Paperback – 27 June 2023)

Series: Standalone/Book One

Length: 435 pages

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars


The talented M. W. Craven debuts an awesome thriller protagonist with his epic and intense new novel, Fearless.

Craven is an interesting thriller author who has been establishing himself over the last few years.  Craven already has a fantastic catalogue of novels behind him, including his Washington Poe and Avison Fluke series, although I had not previously had the pleasure of reading any of his books.  As such, I was intrigued when I received a copy of Fearless, which looks to be the first book in an awesome new series.  I really liked how cool Fearless sounded and I was glad I got the opportunity to check out another author who was new to me this year.

Ben Koenig is a man who knows how to disappear.  The former leader of the US Marshals’ elite Special Ops Group, Koenig was the man who brought the very worst fugitives to justice, and his relentless attitude and uncanny abilities made him feared throughout the criminal community.  But after an operation goes bad, Koenig goes into hiding, drifting from small town to small town.

After managing to stay off everyone’s radar for six years, Koenig suddenly finds his face plastered across every television screen in America.  His old boss at the US Marshalls desperately needs Koenig’s help for a personal mission, and he’ll do anything he can to get his attention.  Soon Koenig finds himself back on the job, but this time he has no limits, no backup, and no idea the amount of trouble he is about to find himself in.

His assignment will eventually lead him to the small town of Gauntlet in the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert.  Someone in Gauntlet has a dark secret that they will do anything to protect, and they have the entire town, and more, at their disposal.  However, they have never encountered anyone like Koenig and they soon begin to realise that Koenig has no fear, no mercy and no desire to stop.  But against the dangerous forces in front of him, as well as dangerous assassins from his past, can even the fearless Koenig stay alive and complete his mission?

Fearless was a very fun and over-the-top thriller from Craven, who crafts together a very intense and addictive narrative for this new book.  Starting off with a strong introduction to the character of Ben Koenig, the reader gets quickly swept up in both his unusual life and his new mission as he is drafted in to find a missing girl and revenge on the people that hurt her.  Fearless’ story has a lot of great elements to it, and Craven takes his protagonist on a wild and blood-soaked thrill ride through several great locales and impressive scenarios.  Most of the story takes place in the Texas town of Gauntlet, where Koenig investigates a mysterious solar energy company involved with his case.  Craven does a great job setting up the antagonists of this series, as well as a compelling underlying mystery about who they are and why they are there, and I loved the combination of suspense and intrigue that emerged, as well as the fear and brutality of the villains as they try to take Koenig down.  At the same time, Craven works in several compelling flashback chapters that give greater context to Koenig’s character and flesh out why he was on the run and the implications that has on his current situation.

Craven works a ton of brilliant and action-packed set pieces into the story as he goes, and the reader really sticks around to check out all the violence that emerges as a result.  The author goes pretty over the top multiple times throughout the book as he tries to make the scenarios, and his protagonist, as explosive and unpredictable as possible.  These memorable sequences mesh well with the investigative and character driven aspects of the story, and the reader really gets drawn into the entire compelling plot.  Everything leads up to the big finale, where the author unleashes several massive and exceptionally brutal fights, which really draw the reader in and ensure that they cannot stop turning the pages.  Everything ends on a very interesting note, although a couple of the final twists are clearly only there to set up the future books.  Still, this ended up being a very thrilling and enjoyable story, and I honestly managed to knock off this lengthy book in a couple of fun-filled days.

Craven utilises a pretty effective style for this book that is focused on making the novel as fast-paced and easy to read as possible.  Fearless is dominated by multiple short and impactful chapters which are very easy to power through and which encourage the reader to keep going, especially as you can get through the next exciting chapter with only a few page turns.  I honestly found myself just going and going as I was reading, as I really wanted to see what awesome event was going to pop up next in the story.  The author did a really good job of quickly and effectively setting up the protagonists, the story, and the general vibe of Fearless, and you quickly realise what sort of fun and compelling story the author has planned, which helps to keep you hooked.  The primary focus on protagonist Ben Koenig is nicely balanced with several chapters told from the perspective of the antagonists, and I loved seeing some of the different angles of the story, especially as the villains get more and more desperate, and ruthless, as the book continues.  This ended up being quite an attractive and highly accessible new series to test out, and Fearless will appeal to most thriller readers, especially those who are interested in something with a ton of action and a fun plot.  There are obviously some interesting parallels between Fearless and the Jack Reacher novels, which Craven does cleverly and humorously reference at the start.  I think this book will appeal to anyone who appreciates intense, fast, and unpredictable thrillers, and this really was a great treat.

One of the more interesting and distinctive elements of Fearless is the over-the-top protagonist, Ben Koenig.  Written as an elite former government agent on the run after upsetting the wrong crime family, Koenig is a very capable and effective killer who serves as the book’s main point-of-view character and narrator.  Koenig is a fun central figure for Fearless, and I loved his unique and entertaining viewpoint of the world, which translates through his chapters and gives the book more of a humorous edge.  Most of the novel is designed to introduce readers to the author’s new major protagonist up and I liked the intriguing background that Craven built around him in several fantastic flashback chapters.  There is a certain arrogance and cockiness to Koenig that some people might not like, but I though it fit his story arc well, and he does get called out on it a bit.  There is also a great ruthlessness to him at times, which does make you wonder if he is really a good guy.  These elements are cleverly tied into Koenig’s most defining character feature: due to a medical condition, he lacks the ability to feel any fear.  While this does seem like a bit of a weird character element, Craven does an excellent job working it into the story, and the entertaining interactions that emerge from Koenig failing to react with any fear make for some fantastic reading.  It was surprisingly fun to see Koenig blithely walk through a range of scenarios without any concern at all, such as when he’s digging his own grave, and the resulting reactions from his opponents are so much fun.  The character’s inability to feel fear does has some downsides, as Koenig’s risk assessment capability is shot, so he does end up making some mistakes from a lack of caution, which was a useful narrative handicap.  Still, the inventive ways that he gets out of several unfortunate scenarios makes for some compelling reading, and Craven really manages to stretch his imagination thanks to this protagonist.  I honestly enjoyed seeing the story from his perspective, and I look forward to reading a larger series featuring this character in the future.

Overall, I had an absolute blast reading Fearless by M. W. Craven, and it really was a particularly fun and exciting thriller.  While the story might get a bit to over-the-top crazy in places for some readers, I honestly enjoyed how silly and insane it got, as it made for some entertaining reading that I could quickly power through with a big smile on my face.  As such, I am giving Fearless a pretty good rating, and I would strongly recommend this novel to anyone who wants a huge dealing of action, funny characters, and wonderfully violent thriller storylines.


WWW Wednesday – 9 August 2023

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words, where bloggers share the books that they’ve recently finished, what they are currently reading and what books they are planning to read next. Essentially you have to answer three questions (the Three Ws):

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

So, let’s get to it.

What are you currently reading?

Dark Corners by Megan Goldin (Trade Paperback)

Dark Corners Cover

I just started reading the exciting new thriller from awesome Australian author Megan Goldin, Dark Corners.  A sequel to her previous gripping read, The Night Swim, Dark Corners follows a famed true-crime podcaster when she is called in to investigate a mysterious disappearance that will force her to go undercover in an influencer convention.  This is already proving to be a fascinating and compelling read and I look forward to unwinding Goldin’s latest impressive puzzle.



The Shadow Casket by Chris Wooding (Audiobook)

The Shadow Casket Cover

This week I also started listening to a massive fantasy release from earlier in the year with The Shadow Casket by Chris Wooding.  The sequel to his epic 2018 novel, The Ember Blade, The Shadow Casket follows a desperate band of revolutionaries as they attempt to overthrow an evil empire, while also dealing with dangerous supernatural threats.  The first book in this series was a powerful and elaborate novel and I have been really looking forward to this sequel for years.  I have made a fair bit of progress so far, and The Shadow Casket is already proving to be everything I hoped it would be.  I look forward to discovering just how epic and impressive Wooding has made this sequel, although it will probably take me a couple of weeks to get through this lengthy audiobook.


What did you recently finish reading?

Starter Villain by John Scalzi (ebook)

Starter Villain Cover

A very fun and hilarious novel about a rookie supervillain, Starter Villain is John Scalzi at his best, and I managed to power through this book in a single day.



Warhammer 40,000: Cypher: Lord of the Fallen by John French (Audiobook)

Cypher - Lord of the Fallen Cover

A particularly intriguing, intense and complex Warhammer 40,000 novel, Cypher: Lord of the Fallen was a short, but very sweet, audiobook, that I cannot recommend enough.  Review to follow soon.



Fearless by M. W. Craven (Trade Paperback)

Fearless Cover

A very exciting and over-the-top action thriller that followed a cool new protagonist on a deadly revenge mission.  Fast-paced, intense and so damn violent, this was a very awesome read.


What do you think you’ll read next?

Never a Hero by Vanessa Len

Never A Hero Cover

I am hoping to start reading Never a Hero by Vanessa Len in the next week.  The sequel to her impressive debut from last year, Only a Monster, Never a Hero looks set to be one of the best young adult novels of 2023 and I am very excited to start reading it.




That’s it for this week, check back in next Wednesday to see what progress I’ve made on my reading and what books I’ll be looking at next.

WWW Wednesday – 2 August 2023

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words, where bloggers share the books that they’ve recently finished, what they are currently reading and what books they are planning to read next. Essentially you have to answer three questions (the Three Ws):

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

So, let’s get to it.

What are you currently reading?

Starter Villain by John Scalzi (ebook)

Starter Villain Cover

I just started reading my early copy of Starter Villain by John Scalzi, and so far it is a ton of fun.  The latest standalone novel from the always entertaining Scalzi (check out my reviews for his previous awesome books, Redshirts and The Kaiju Preservation Society), Starter Villain follows the chaos surrounding a protagonist who inherits a supervillain company. I have already had several great laughs thanks to this book and I will probably finish it off in the next day or so.



Warhammer 40,000: Cypher: Lord of the Fallen by John French (Audiobook)

Cypher - Lord of the Fallen Cover

I also started listening to the recently released Warhammer 40,000 novel, Cypher: Lord of the Fallen by John French today.  Following a notorious, yet mysterious, rogue as he runs around the Imperial Palace, Cypher: Lord of the Fallen is proving to be an intriguing and action-packed addition to this awesome franchise and I really glad I got the chance to dive into it.  This is a relatively short audiobook so I will probably finish this off in the next couple of days as well and I am looking forward to seeing how this intense story unfolds.


What did you recently finish reading?

The Last True Templar by Boyd and Beth Morrison (ebook)

The Last True Templar Cover

I managed to finish off the early copy of The Last True Templar I got through Netgalley this week and it ended up being a very awesome novel. Written by the team of Boyd and Beth Morrison, The Last True Templar is the sequel to one of my favourite books from last yearThe Lawless Land, which I had such an epic time with.  This sequel was an outstanding read that combined compelling historical detail with an intriguing thriller storyline.  I am hoping to get a review up for it soon and I am very glad I got the opportunity to read this upcoming book in advance.



The Traitor by Anthony Ryan (Audiobook)

The Traitor Cover

I finally managed to finish off the audiobook version of The Traitor this week, and boy was it everything I wanted it to be and more.  The third and final book in Anthony Ryan’s The Covenant of Steel trilogy, The Traitor, follows on from the exceptional novels, The Pariah and The Martyr, and had an epic story of betrayal, insanity and war.  This was easily one of the best fantasy books I have read in 2023 so far and I deeply enjoyed how Ryan finished off this brilliant trilogy.  Review to hopefully follow soon. 


What do you think you’ll read next?

Fearless by M. W. Craven

Fearless Cover

The next book that I am planning to check out is the cool sounding thriller, Fearless by author M. W. Craven. Fearless has a fun and action-packed plot behind it and I look forward to diving into the excitement later this week.




That’s it for this week, check back in next Wednesday to see what progress I’ve made on my reading and what books I’ll be looking at next.

Book Haul – 25 June 2023

I have been having an excellent couple of weeks for book, as I have been lucky enough to receive several incredible and amazing new novels from some of my local publishers and from Netgalley.  These novels include some truly awesome new releases, including some books that have the potential to be the top novels of 2023.  I am extremely keen to check out all of the books below and they should make for some amazing reads.

Starter Villain by John Scalzi

Starter Villain Cover

First up, I was very happy to receive a copy of the upcoming John Scalzi novel, Starter Villain.  Scalzi has been killing it with his brilliant and satirical novels recently, including Redshirts and The Kaiju Preservation Society, and this new book sounds pretty damn cool.  Following someone who inherits a supervillain business and all the problems that entails, Starter Villain sounds like a ton of fun and I cannot wait to check it out.



Traitors Gate by Jeffrey Archer

Traitors Gate Cover

I was also very happy to receive a copy of the new Jeffery Archer book, Traitors Gate.  The sixth book in Archer’s Willaim Warwick series, Traitors Gate will see the protagonists of the series attempt to stop an attempted heist of the Crown Jewels.  This series is always a ton of fun to read (see my reviews for Nothing Ventured, Hidden in Plain Sight and Turn a Blind Eye) and this sounds like an awesome and compelling new plot.



Fearless by M. W. Craven

Fearless Cover

The next book I’ve recently received is the fantastic sounding new thriller from M. W. Craven, Fearless.  Following an elite government agent turned drifter who is dragged back into action when someone tries to hunt him down. Fearless has a ton of potential and should turn out to be an amazing thrill ride that I know I am going to really enjoy.



The Paris Agent by Kelly Rimmer

The Paris Agent Cover

I was very, very happy to receive a copy of the new novel from Australian author Kelly Rimmer, The Paris Agent.  Rimmer has been on fire the last few years, producing some of the best historical drama novels out there, including The Warsaw Orphan (one of my favourite Australian books of 2021) and The German Wife (one of my favourite books of 2022).  This latest novel from Rimmer is also set during World War II and will look at the always dependable topic of female spies sent into Nazi occupied France.  I know that Rimmer is going to produce another intense and hard-hitting novel with The Paris Agent and I am very keen to see what happens here.



Never a Hero by Vanessa Len

Never A Hero Cover

Vanessa Len will follow up her exceptional 2022 debut, Only a Monster, with the exciting new upcoming release, Never a HeroOnly a Monster was a brilliant young adult fantasy novel that saw a young woman find out that she was a literal monster with time travel abilities and was forced into a desperate adventure for her own survival. I had a lot of fun with Only a Monster (one of my favourite debuts and Australian novels of 2022) and I cannot wait to see how Len follows it up with Never a Hero.



The Hunger by Marsheila Rockwell

The Hunger Cover

Ok, I will admit that I mostly requested a copy of this book because of the cover.  The Hunger is an awesome upcoming Marvel Comics tie-in novel set in the Marvel Zombies universe.  Written by Marsheila Rockwell, this cool novel will see an eclectic group of heroes attempt to stop the zombie apocalypse, only to cause far bigger issues with their meddling.  This novel sounds like it is going to be so damn amazing and I am very excited to read it.



The Berlin Traitor by A. W. Hammond

The Berlin Traitor Cover

A compelling thriller set in post-war Berlin, The Berlin Traitor is a great new novel from A. W. Hammond and I look forward to trying something from this author.



Altered Sense by Max Jeffries

Altered Sense Cover

The final book I received a copy of was the interesting Australian thriller, Altered Sense by Max Jeffries.  Following a man who starts to receive dark visions after a blow to the head, Altered Sense looks to be a quick and exciting novel and I hope I get the chance to read it.



Well, that’s the end of this latest Book Haul post.  As you can see I have quite a bit of reading to do at the moment thanks to all these awesome books that have come in.  Let me know which of the above you are most interested in and make sure to check back in a few weeks to see my reviews of them.