Waiting on Wednesday – Witness 8 by Steve Cavanagh

Welcome to my weekly segment, Waiting on Wednesday, where I look at upcoming books that I am planning to order and review in the next few months and which I think I will really enjoy.  I run this segment in conjunction with the Can’t-Wait Wednesday meme that is currently running at Wishful Endings.  Stay tuned to see reviews of these books when I get a copy of them.  For this week’s Waiting on Wednesday, I highlight an exciting and epic upcoming legal thriller with Witness 8 by Steve Cavanagh.

Witness 8 Cover


Over the last few years, I have really grown to enjoy the work of thriller author Steve Cavanah.  A compelling author with an awesome body of work, Cavanagh routinely produces intense and captivating thrillers with unique plots that really draw the reader in.  For example, last year, Cavanagh released the impressive novel Kill For Me Kill For You, which provided a fantastic new take on the classic plot of Strangers on a Train.  The distinctive thriller storylines that the author features in his works really appeal to me and Cavanagh is currently on my must-read list every year.

Cavanagh is best known for his Eddie Flynn legal thriller series, which is his main body of work.  Starting in 2015 with The Defence, the Eddie Flynn novels follow a former conman turned defence attorney who finds himself involved in a series of unique and deadly cases.  I have had a wonderful time with some of the latest books in the series, including The Devil’s Advocate, which saw Flynn attempt to save an innocent man from a murderous district attorney, and The Accomplice, where Flynn’s client was the wife and alleged accomplice of a brutal serial killer.  I had an exceptional time with these amazing legal thrillers, and I have been very excited to see how Cavanagh will continue the Eddie Flynn series in the future.

It looks like we won’t have to wait too much longer for the next book from Cavanagh, as we have a new novel coming out in August with Witness 8.  The eighth book in the Eddie Flynn series, Witness 8 will see Flynn defend another innocent person in unusual circumstances as the prime witness in a murder trial plays her own twisted games.

Plot Synopsis:

Ruby Johnson is a nanny and maid to wealthy families in Manhattan’s West 74th Street.
She knows their routines. Their secrets.
One night, on her way home, Ruby witnesses a neighbour’s murder.

She knows the victim. She knows the killer.
She makes an anonymous call to the police and names the murderer.
But Ruby didn’t tell the truth…
Because there’s something wrong with Ruby Johnson.

Eddie Flynn, conman turned trial lawyer, must defend an innocent man accused of this terrible crime.

As Ruby’s deadly game begins, one thing is certain.
It won’t be the last murder this witness is involved in…

I absolutely love the sound of Witness 8’s plot and I already know I am going to love this book.  Cavanagh always has fun portraying corrupt members of the trial process with their own agenda, whether it be death-loving prosecutors or a murderous juror, and his new focus, a lying witness with sinister plans is going to be good.  I have no doubt that Cavanagh is going to twist this case into something special, and I cannot wait to see how the thriller unfolds.  Expect high stakes moments, entertaining court scenes, and over the top legal manoeuvres as the unconventional lawyer protagonist goes up against both the system and the nefarious Ruby.

Honestly there was no way that I wasn’t going to grab Witness 8 when it comes out.  Cavanagh has really impressed me with his last several novels and I am a real sucker for a good legal thriller.  As such, I am extremely confident that I am going to absolutely love Witness 8 and it will probably be one of the most entertaining and exciting books of 2024.  An epic new book from one of my favourite legal thriller authors.

2 thoughts on “Waiting on Wednesday – Witness 8 by Steve Cavanagh

  1. Pingback: Top Ten Tuesday – Books on my Winter 2024 To-Be-Read (TBR) List – The Unseen Library

  2. Pingback: Top Ten Tuesday – Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024 (Mystery, Thriller and Historical Fiction) – The Unseen Library

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