WWW Wednesday – 8 May 2024

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words, where bloggers share the books that they’ve recently finished, what they are currently reading and what books they are planning to read next. Essentially you have to answer three questions (the Three Ws):

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

So, let’s get to it.

What are you currently reading:

The Book That Broke the World by Mark Lawrence (Trade Paperback)

The Book That Broke the World Cover

I started reading the impressive novel, The Book That Broke the World by Mark Lawrence this week.  The sequel to one of my favourite books of 2023, The Book that Wouldn’t Burn, The Book That Broke the World follows several intriguing characters lost in the intricacies of a massive and chaotic library.  Cleverly combining fantasy and science fiction elements, The Book That Broke the World is a deeply compelling novel, and I am having an outstanding time reading it.



Warhammer 40,000: Deathworlder by Victoria Hayward (Audiobook)

Warhammer 40,000 - Deathworlder Cover

I literally just started listening to the awesome Warhammer 40,000 novel, Deathworlder.  The debut novel from Victoria Hayward, Deathworlder is a dark and exciting book that follows the best jungle fighters in the galaxy as they are forced to traverse a world slowly being devoured by monstrous aliens.  I have barely made any progress on Deathworlder but I have no doubt this is going to be an amazing listen.


What did you recently finish reading?

The Silverblood Promise by James Logan (Trade Paperback)

The Silverblood Promise Cover

I managed to power through the epic fantasy novel The Silverblood Promise by James Logan this week.  The debut novel of Logan, The Silverblood Promise was a very awesome book that had me hooked the entire way through.  Review to follow very soon.



Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky (Audiobook)

Alien Clay Cover

A twisty and complex science fiction novel that follows a group of convicts on an alien planet as they a forced to contend with both vicious prison guards and the planet’s unique biology.



The No.1 Lawyer by James Patterson and Nancy Allen (Trade Paperback)

The No.1 Lawyer Cover

I was able to also get through the fantastic legal thriller, The No.1 Lawyer this week.  An addictive and fast-paced book, this was a very cool read and one I had a lot of fun with.



Warhammer 40,000: Death or Glory by Sandy Mitchell (Audiobook)

Death or Glory Cover

I was in the mood for something I knew I would love so I listened to the fantastic Warhammer 40,000 audiobook, Death or Glory.  The fourth book in the always entertaining Ciaphas Cain series, Death or Glory was an excellent audiobook that I will also be reviewing very soon.


What do you think you’ll read next?

Death on the Tiber by Lindsey Davis

Death on the Tiber Cover

While I have a few potential books to read next, I think I will probably dive into the new Lindsey Davis novel, Death on the Tiber.  The latest book in Davis’ long-running Flavia Albia historical murder mystery series, Death on the Tiber will see the series protagonist investigate another complex murder in ancient Rome, this time while dealing with demons from her past.  I really love this amazing series and I have no doubt I will have a wonderful time reading Death on the Tiber.



That’s it for this week, check back in next Wednesday to see what progress I’ve made on my reading and what books I’ll be looking at next.




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