Top Ten Tuesday – Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024 (Mystery, Thriller and Historical Fiction)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme that currently resides at The Artsy Reader Girl and features bloggers sharing lists on various book topics.  In this list, I continue to examine my most anticipated releases for the second half of 2024.  While my other list of the night looked at the best upcoming fantasy and science fiction novels, this list will look at the crime fiction, thrillers, and historical fiction novels that I am most excited for in the next six months.

Just like with my previous article about upcoming fantasy and science fiction books, this was a bit of a difficult list to pull together.  Even after I excluded fantasy and science fiction novels from it, there were still a ton of great books I could feature, and I had a hard time deciding what to cut.  I was eventually able to whittle it down to a top ten list (with an honourable mentions section), and I am pretty happy with how it turned out.  Just like with my fantasy and science fiction list, the following list does a great job of highlighting what books I am most excited for in the second half of the year, so let us see what makes the cut.

Honourable Mentions:

Confessions of the Dead by James Patterson and J. D. Barker – 2 July 2024

Confessions of the Dead Cover

An intriguing thriller from a team who previously produced the incredible novel, Death of the Black Widow.



Capture or Kill by Don Bentley – 3 September 2024

Capture or Kill Cover

The iconic and action-packed Mitch Rapp series returns with a new author at the helm, as Don Bentley provides a compelling new adventure.



Nobody’s Hero by M. W. Craven – 8 October 2024

Nobody's Hero Cover 2

An intriguing sounding follow up to Craven’s 2023 novel, Fearless, Nobody’s Hero sounds like a lot of fun.  I am looking forward to reading this book, especially as I am currently having an outstanding time reading Craven’s other 2024 book, The Mercy Chair.



Endgame by Sarah Barrie – 30 October 2024

Endgame Cover

The fourth book in one of my favourite Australian series, Endgame will follow on from Barrie’s previous amazing reads, Unforgiven, Retribution and Vendetta.


Top Ten List:

The Wrong Man by Tim Ayliffe – 3 July 2024

The Wrong Man Cover

The first book I want to highlight in this list is the excellent Australian thriller, The Wrong Man by Tim Ayliffe.  Following on from the author’s previous John Bailey books, The Greater Good, State of Fear, The Enemy Within and Killer Traitor Spy, The Wrong Man has a great mystery behind it that sounds extremely intriguing.  I already have a copy of this book, and I am very curious to see how it unfolds.



Witness 8 by Steve Cavanagh – 13 August 2024

Witness 8 Cover

One of my favourite legal thriller authors, Steve Cavanagh, returns with another twisty and entertaining courtroom drama, Witness 8.  The eighth book in Cavanagh’s Eddie Flynn series, Witness 8 will see the conman turned defence attorney protagonist try to save an innocent man implicated by a witness with her own sinister agenda.  I have had an outstanding time with Cavanagh’s last several books, including The Devil’s Advocate, The Accomplice and Kill For Me Kill For You, and Witness 8 looks set to be another incredible read.



Precipice by Robert Harris – 27 August 2024

Precipice Cover

Acclaimed author Robert Harris brings another infamous historical scandal to life with Precipice.  Set during World War I, Precipice will craft a spy thriller around the intriguing affair between Venetia Stanley and Prime Minister H. H. Asquith.  I am very curious to see what spin Harris puts on these events and it should be a very gripping book.



Usagi Yojimbo: Volume 39: Ice and Snow by Stan Sakai – 10 September 2024

Usagi Yojimbo - Ice and Snow Cover

A key highlight of my reading year is always the new Usagi Yojimbo comic by Stan Sakai, which is one of my favourite comic series.  Luckily for me the new volume is nearly here with the 39th volume Ice and Snow coming out in September.  This new entry sounds particularly epic as it will pit the protagonist against his most deadly enemy, this time in the freezing snow.  I am very excited for this cool new comic, and I already know I am going to love it to death.



King’s Enemy by Ian Ross – 12 September 2024

King's Enemy Cover

There is no way that I am missing out on the fantastic upcoming novel, King’s Enemy by historical fiction author Ian Ross.  The gripping final book in the de Norton trilogy, which has previously featured the amazing books Battle Song and War Cry, King’s Enemy will follow the now fugitive protagonist as he faces the consequences of supporting a rebellion against the crown.  This book looks to end the trilogy in an interesting way, and I cannot wait to see how this compelling adventure, set amid one of England’s more intriguing civil wars, concludes.



We Solve Murders by Richard Osman – 17 September 2024

We Solve Murders Cover

Easily one of my most anticipated books for the second half of 2024 is the new Richard Osman book, We Solve Murders.  Osman has proven to be an exceptional author over the last few years with his Thursday Murder Club series, which includes The Thursday Murder Club (one of my favourite booksdebuts and audiobooks of 2020), The Man Who Died Twice (one of my favourite books and audiobooks of 2021), The Bullet That Missed (one of my favourite books and audiobooks of 2022) and The Last Devil to Die (one of my favourite books and audiobooks of 2023).  All these books have been incredible, and I know that Osman’s new release, We Solve Murders is going to be just as good.  Focussing on a father/daughter investigative team, We Solve Murders has so much damn potential and I cannot wait to check it out.



High Wire by Candice Fox – 24 September 2024

High Wire Cover

A gripping and high-stakes Australian thriller from the always impressive Candice Fox, High Wire will follow two explosive-rigged strangers in the Australian outback forced to complete a series of dangerous tasks.  Fox has been on a real roll this year, releasing the intense Devil’s Kitchen and the fun thriller The Murder Inn (with James Patterson), and I have no doubt that High Wire is also going to be very impressive.



Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret by Benjamin Stevenson – 22 October 2024

Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret Cover 1

After blowing me away with his last two novels, Everyone in My Family has Killed Someone and Everyone on this Train is a Suspect, Australian author Benjamin Stevenson is producing another awesome read in 2024 with Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret.  A Christmas themed murder mystery treat that will once again showcase Stevenson’s wit and love for the mystery genre, Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret is going to be an outstanding read and I cannot wait to get my hands on it.



The Waiting by Michael Connelly – 5 November 2024

The Waiting Cover

It wouldn’t be the second half of a year without a new crime fiction read from Michael Connelly.  In this case we have The Waiting, which will once again bring together two of Connelly’s best detectives as part of the Ballard and Bosch series.  This latest book will see the protagonists investigate several murders throughout L. A., including a compelling cold case.  However, readers are also in for a treat with double the Bosch, as Connelly brings Bosch’s daughter in as a main character for the first time.  I cannot wait to see how The Waiting unfolds, and it is probably going to be one of my favourite crime fiction reads of 2024.



Revenge of Rome by Simon Scarrow – 7 November 2024

Revenge of Rome Cover

The final book I want to highlight in this list is the epic upcoming historical fiction novel, Revenge of Rome by Simon Scarrow.  The 23rd book in one of my all-time favourite series, Revenge of Rome will follow on from the chaotic events of Scarrow’s last two books, Death to the Emperor and Rebellion, which saw the destruction levelled by Boudica’s rebellion.  This new novel will force the protagonists to hunt down the defeated Queen Boudica, which will no doubt result in another harrowing and compelling adventure, especially as one protagonist has a dark connection to the fugitive queen.  I have no doubt this is going to be an outstanding book, and I cannot wait to read it.




Well, that’s the end of my second list.  As you can see, there are some outstanding mysteries, thrillers and historical fiction novels coming out in the next six months which should prove to be amazing reads.  Combine that with the fantasy and science fiction releases from my previous list and I know that I am going to have an incredible time in the second half of 2024.  While I am waiting to get my hands on these books, why not let me know if any of the above interest you and let me know what your most anticipated releases for the next six months are in the comments below.

Waiting on Wednesday – Capture or Kill by Don Bentley (series created by Vince Flynn)

Welcome to my weekly segment, Waiting on Wednesday, where I look at upcoming books that I am planning to order and review in the next few months and which I think I will really enjoy.  I run this segment in conjunction with the Can’t-Wait Wednesday meme that is currently running at Wishful Endings.  Stay tuned to see reviews of these books when I get a copy of them.  In my latest Waiting on Wednesday, I highlight a new entry in one of my favourite thriller series that looks to take the franchise in a new direction with Capture or Kill by Don Bentley.

Capture or Kill Cover


Ever since I started writing this blog one of the main spy thriller series that I have been enjoying are the exciting Mitch Rapp books.  Initially written by Vince Flynn, the Mitch Rapp books follow a grizzled American spy who is sent out to stop the biggest threats to the United States in a very violent fashion.  The first 14 Mitch Rapp books were written by Flynn before his passing in 2013, with the series subsequently continued by Kyle Mills.  I personally have enjoyed the last several books by Mills, including Red War, Lethal Agent, Total Power, Enemy at the Gates, Oath of Loyalty and Code Red, which have contained some outstanding storylines, including attacks on America’s power grid and a dangerous US President trying to take down the protagonist.  As such, this series is now firmly on my must-read list every year, and I always look forward to an over-the-top adventure with Mitch Rapp.

The 2024 addition to the series is set to come out in September, however, there have been some interesting developments on that front.  The main change is that Kyle Mills is no longer writing the series and instead it has been taken over by veteran thriller author Don Bentley.  Bentley, who already has a lot of experience with other major thriller series, looks to take the series back to its roots with Capture or Kill, especially as it will see Rapp return to take on dangerous threats in the Middle East.

Plot Synopsis:

Mitch Rapp faces an Iranian foe bent on destabilizing the Middle East in the newest thriller from Vince Flynn’s #1 New York Times bestselling series, now written by the “worthy successor to Tom Clancy” (Publishers Weekly) Don Bentley.

April 2011: On a remote mountaintop overlooking the remains of the Iranian nuclear weapons program, Azad Ashani witnesses a Quds Force demonstration of a capability meant to upend America’s war in the Middle East. Ashani, director of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security and Irene Kennedy’s former back channel to the Iranian government, recognizes the demonstration’s true significance, and the nation-ending conflict it will provoke. Alone, Ashani stands no chance of preventing this rush to madness.

But with the help of one man, he just might.

In Washington, DC, CIA director Irene Kennedy briefs the president that the operational window to kill or capture Osama bin Laden at his recently discovered compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan is rapidly closing. But before he’ll authorize a commando raid on Pakistani soil, the president demands irrefutable proof of bin Laden’s presence.

Proof he trusts just one man to provide.

Preventing a looming war in the Middle East while delivering justice for the nearly 3,000 Americans killed on 9/11 would be a big ask for anyone.

Mitch Rapp isn’t just anyone.

This sounds like a pretty fun new adventure for the Mitch Rapp series, and I am very intrigued to see how Bentley takes over the character in this 23rd book.  Pitting Rapp against terrorist foes and the Iranian government is a classic adventure for this action protagonist, and I am curious to see the story go back a few years to 2011.  I have no doubt whatsoever that Capture or Kill is going to be a particularly exciting and epic read, and I cannot wait to get my hands on it later this year.

Book Haul – 20 October 2023

Thanks to being away for a few weeks on a much-needed holiday I haven’t had much of an opportunity to update my blog lately.  However, that time away ensured that I had a massive pile of books waiting for me when I got back so I figured this would be a good time for a Book Haul post. I actually received several really good books while I was away, including some of my most anticipated reads for the second half of the year, which was a great welcome back present.  I cannot wait to read all the books below and I am sure they are all going to be cracking reads.

The Armour of Light by Ken Follett

The Armour of Light Cover

First up, I was very happy to receive a copy of the new Ken Follett historical fiction novel, The Armour of Light. A massive novel, The Armour of Light is the latest book in Follett’s Kingsbridge series and will follow a new group of protagonists in the titular city of Kingsbridge.  Set during the industrial revolution and the Napoleonic wars, The Armour of Light looks set to be a mighty read and will no doubt be one of the best historical fiction books of 2023.



Everyone on this Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson

Everyone on this Train is a Suspect Cover

I was particularly happy to receive a copy of the fun murder mystery Everyone on this Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson, which is set to be one of the top Australian books of 2023.  A sequel to Stevenson’s exceptional 2022 novel, Everyone in my Family Has Killed Someone, Everyone on this Train is a Suspect should be a hilarious and clever murder mystery that pokes fun at classic crime fiction.



The Exchange by John Grisham

The Exchange Cover

One of the more interesting novels I recently received was The Exchange by legendary author John Grisham.  The long-awaited sequel to his iconic novel The Firm, The Exchange looks set to be a great new legal thriller and I look forward to seeing how Grisham continues his original story.  I am hoping to read this book next and it should be a compelling and exciting read.



Saevus Corax Deals with the Dead by K. J. Parker

Saevus Corax Deals With the Dead Cover

One of the books I was happiest to get a copy of was the cool new novel from awesome fantasy author K. J. Parker, Saevus Corax Deals with the Dead is the first book in a fun series that follows a battlefield looter as he gets into all manner of trouble.  I am a big fan of Parker, especially after his outstanding The Siege Trilogy, and I cannot wait to see what sort of elaborate and comedic story he comes up with here.



The Eight Reindeer of the Apocalypse by Tom Holt

The Eight Reindeer of the Apocalypse Cover

Another great comedic fantasy novel I received is amazingly titled The Eight Reindeer of the Apocalypse by Tom Holt.  Tom Holt is the real name of K. J. Parker from above, so I’m pretty happy to receive a second book from him.  The Eight Reindeer of the Apocalypse is actually a continuation of one of Holt’s ongoing series, so it will interesting to see how it turns out.



The Defector by Chris Hadfield

The Defector Cover

Former astronaut turned thriller author Chris Hadfield returns with his second intriguing novel, The Defector.  The sequel to his cool debut, The Apollo Murders, The Defector is another great sounding read that will examine espionage and betrayal in the 1970s as the protagonist tries to bring in a mysterious Soviet defector.  I really enjoyed Hadfield’s first book and I cannot wait to see how this cool sequel unfolds.



Weapons Grade by Don Bentley

Weapons Grade Cover

Author Don Bently continues to expand the Tom Clancy universe with a new Jack Ryan Jr thriller.  Weapons Grade sounds like a fun read and I look forward to seeing how it turns out.



Murder on a School Night by Kate Weston

Murder on a School Night Cover

A fun and intriguing young adult thriller, Murder on a School Night sounds like a very entertaining novel and I am quite keen to dive into it.



The Rosewood Hunt by Mackenzie Reed

The Rosewood Hunt Cover

A deadly treasure hunt and an intriguing adventure look set to dominate this great young adult read by Mackenzie Reed.



The Girl From London by Olivia Spooner

The Girl From London Cover

A complex and emotionally charged historical drama about a missing refugee ship during World War 2.



Zero Days Since Last Incident by J. E. Rowney

Zero Days Since Last Incident Cover

The last book I recently received was the exciting and entertaining sounding thriller Zero Days Since Last Incident by JE Rowney.  This fantastic sounding book, which is billed as The Office meets Lord of the Flies, sounds very amusing and I look forward to seeing how crazy it gets.




Well, that’s the end of this latest Book Haul post.  As you can see I have quite a bit of reading to do at the moment thanks to all these awesome books that have come in.  Let me know which of the above you are most interested in and make sure to check back in a few weeks to see my reviews of them.