Book Haul – 27 December 2021

2021 is nearly at an end but the books keep on rolling in.  I have been rather lucky over the last couple of weeks to receive several awesome new novels that I am looking forward to check out.  As a result, I thought I would do a quick Book Haul post to share which recent releases I am going to be reading into the new year.  I am extremely happy with the haul I received, as not only have I managed to get my hands on several books I have been really looking forward to, but I also received a couple of intriguing new releases from the start of 2022  All of these should make for some fun reading and I cannot wait to start diving into the books below.

A Practical Guide to Conquering the World by K. J. Parker

A Practical Guide to Conquering the World Cover

The first of my new books that I want to highlight is the awesome A Practical Guide to Conquering the World by the exceedingly talented K. J. Parker.  This cool fantasy novel is the third novel in the comedic The Siege trilogy, which follows on from Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City and How to Rule an Empire and Get Away With It, two extremely good novels that were among my favourite reads of 2019 and 2020 respectfully.  I have been looking forward to this fantastic novel for a while and I am expecting another deeply entertaining and hilarious read about a new talented liar who uses a legendary siege to their own advantage.  Set to be one of the best books of 2022, I am planning to read this book next and will deeply enjoy it.

Outcast by Louise Carey

Outcast Cover

I was also very lucky to receive a copy of Outcast by Louise Carey, which looks set to be an incredible read.  Outcast is the sequel to Carey’s first novel, Inscape, which was one of my favourite debuts of 2021.  This awesome series is set in a cyberpunk dystopian future and will follow a corporate agent as she attempts to get to the bottom of a major conspiracy.  I look forward to reading this book and it should be a lot of fun.

The Unfamiliar Garden by Benjamin Percy

The Unfamiliar Garden Cover

Benjamin Percy continues his intriguing new science fiction series with The Unfamiliar GardenThe Unfamiliar Garden will continue to examine the strange side effects of a mysterious meteorite strike, this time with a near-horror sounding narrative about mutated plants and possessed humans.  I am very curious about this new book and I look forward to checking it out.

The Fields by Erin Young

The Fields Cover

Bestselling historical fiction author Robyn Young presents her first thriller novel with The Fields, written under a new penname as Erin Young.  The Fields is an interesting sounding novel that follows an intense and personal murder investigation.  This novel has a very interesting plot to it and I look forward to seeing Young’s debut thriller.

The Gosling Girl by Jacqueline Roy

The Gosling Girl Cover

I was also very lucky to receive The Gosling Girl by Jacqueline Roy, which is likely to be one of the most intriguing and powerful novels of 2022.  The Gosling Girl looks set to be a complex murder mystery/drama hybrid that examines institutional racism around a infamous African American suspect who was arrested for murder as a child.  This should be an extremely captivating read and I am extremely interested in seeing what happens in this fantastic and deep sounding novel.

The Maid by Nita Prose

The Maid Cover

Another great book I received was The Maid by Nita Prose, which is going to be one of the biggest debuts of 2022.  Already optioned off as a film with Florence Pugh set to star, The Maid has a great story about a housekeeper at a fancy hotel who gets thrust into the middle of a murder investigation.  I am curious about the buzz surrounding The Maid and I cannot wait to see what happens in this fun sounding book.

The Italian Girl by Anita Abriel

The Italian Girl Cover

I was also lucky enough to receive a copy of The Italian Girl by Anita Abriel, a compelling and intriguing sounding historical drama.  Set during World War II, this fantastic novel should be an interesting and intense read and I cannot wait to see what happens.

Unforgiven by Sarah Barrie

Unforgiven Cover

The final book I received was the very intriguing Unforgiven by Australian author Sarah Barrie.  This fantastic and thrilling novel apparently follows a former paedophile victim who has grown up to hunt abusers and now finds herself trackingwith the monster who haunted her as a child.  I have heard great things about this novel and I cannot wait to see what happens within it.

Well that’s the end of this latest Book Haul post.  As you can see I have quite a bit of reading to do at the moment thanks to all these awesome books that have come in.  Let me know which of the above you are most interested in and make sure to check back in a few weeks to see my reviews of them.

Book Haul – 29 May 2021

It has been a little while since I have done a Book Haul post, so I figured it was a good time to look back at some of the amazing books that I have received in the last couple of weeks.  I have actually received quite an impressive haul recently, made up of a number of exciting and intriguing books, including a few novels that I have been looking forward to for some time.  Each of the books below have a lot of potential and I am really keen to check them all out as soon as I can.


Protector by Conn Iggulden

Protector Cover Final

Let us start this post off with one of my anticipated reads of 2021, Protector by Conn Iggulden.  Protector is the sequel to one of my favourite books from last year, The Gates of Athens, and will continue to follow the epic events of the Greek war against Persia.  Set to feature some major battles and Athenian politics, this is going to be an awesome and compelling novel and I look forward to checking it out.


Rabbits by Terry Miles

Rabbits Cover

Next we have this intriguing science fiction debut, Rabbits by Terry Miles.  Rabbits, which I have already read, is a weird and unique novel that sees a brilliant, yet troubled, protagonist attempt to play a legendary game with the fate of the universe in the balance.  A fantastic, if unusual read, I am hoping to get a review up for it soon.


The Ninth Metal by Benjamin Percy

The Ninth Metal Cover

Another book that I have already read, The Ninth Metal is an exciting and interesting science fiction read that follows the chaotic events occurring around a small-town in America that was the site of a meteor strike, leaving a vast amount of a rare, alien metal.  Featuring feuding companies, strange abilities and a fantastic goldrush mentality, this was a captivating and fun read.


The Enemy Within by Tim Ayliffe

The Enemy Within Cover

I also received a copy of the latest thriller from Australian author Tim Ayliffe, The Enemy Within.  This latest novel contains an intriguing narrative about neo-Nazis in Australia and a dangerous cover-up surrounding them.  I very much enjoyed Ayliffe’s first novel from a few years ago, The Greater Good, and I was honoured to see that my review for it was featured in the inner-cover of The Enemy Within.  I am looking forward to checking this novel out, although I may have to read the second novel, State of Fear, first.  

The Enemy Within Inner Cover (2)


Falling by T. J. Newman

Falling Cover

Another great book that I have received is the fantastic sounding thriller, Falling by T. J. Newman.  Falling contains a great story that sees a plane full of people at risk when their pilot’s family is kidnapped and threatened.  This debut novel from Newman already has a lot of buzz around it and I am very keen to check this one out.


Small Acts of Defiance by Michelle Wright

Small Acts of Defiance Cover

I am also very excited to check out another great debut, Small Acts of Defiance by Australian author Michelle Wright.  Small Acts of Defiance is a compelling historical drama set in occupied Paris.  I imagine this is going to be a pretty intense and impressive read and I am very excited to check it out.


The President’s Daughter by Bill Clinton and James Patterson

The President's Daughter Cover

The final novel I have received is the fun sounding thriller, The President’s Daughter by the remarkable team of Bill Clinton and James Paterson.  The President’s Daughter is the follow-up to the pair’s first novel, The President is Missing, and looks set to be another exciting and fantastic adventure of a rogue president going off on his own to save the people he loves.


In addition to some of the books I have received from publishers, I also went out on a bit of a shopping spree the other day and grabbed several amazing novels and comics that I have been really excited for.


A Comedy of Terrors by Lindsey Davis

A Comedy of Terrors Cover

There was no way that I could avoid getting a copy of the latest Flavia Albia novel by Lindsey Davis, A Comedy of Terrors, especially after how much I enjoyed her 2020 release, The Grove of the Caesars. This latest novel sets professional informer and investigator Flavia Albia up against a new and dangerous foe during the middle of a massive festival.  It sounds like a pretty awesome novel and I cannot wait to explore it’s brilliant mystery and fantastic humour.  


Blackout by Simon Scarrow

Blackout Cover

Blackout is a novel that I have been hoping to read for a very long time.  Written by one of my favourite authors, Simon Scarrow, Blackout is an excellent sounding murder mystery set in the midst of Nazi Germany during the war.  While I do prefer some of Scarrow’s Roman historical fiction novels, such as last years exciting The Emperor’s Exile, Blackout sounds like an exceptional read and I am very keen to check it out.


Breakout by Paul Herron

Breakout Cover

Another novel that I have been hoping to read for a while is the amazing thriller Breakout by Paul Herron.  Breakout has a fantastic sounding plot which forces a violent criminal and a forgotten prison guard to work together to survive the horrors of a flooding super-max prison with all the inmates let out.  This novel has so much potential for fun, action and excitement, and I imagine I will get through it in a very short amount of time.


Star Wars (2020): Volume Two: Operation Starlight by Charles Soule, Ramon Rosanas and Jan Bazaldua

Star Wars (2020) - Volume 2 Cover

The final entry on this book haul post is the second volume of the fantastic Star Wars (2020) comic series, Operation StarlightOperation Starlight continues to follow the adventures of Luke, Leia and Lando following the events of The Empire Strikes Back, and this latest volume forces them to face off with a dangerous foe.  I deeply enjoyed the first volume of this series, The Destiny Path, and after reading this second volume, Star Wars (2020) is swiftly becoming one of my favourite Star Wars comic book series of all time.



Well that’s the end of this latest Book Haul post.  As you can see I have quite a bit of reading to do at the moment thanks to all these awesome books that have come in.  Let me know which of the above you are most interested in and make sure to check back in a few weeks to see my reviews of them.

WWW Wednesday – 26 May 2021

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words, where bloggers share the books that they’ve recently finished, what they are currently reading and what books they are planning to read next. Essentially you have to answer three questions (the Three Ws):

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

So, let’s get to it.

What are you currently reading?

Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir (Trade Paperback)

Project Hail Mary Cover

I just started reading this outstanding science fiction novel from bestselling author Andy Weir.  Project Hail Mary is so far proving to be an excellent and powerful science fiction read that follows a scientist, alone aboard a space ship, as he attempts to save Earth.  Epic, clever and deeply captivating, this is an awesome novel to check out.

The Girl and the Mountain by Mark Lawrence (Audiobook)

The Girl and the Mountain Cover

Mark Lawrence’s intriguing fantasy/science fiction series continues with this latest novel, The Girl and the Mountain.  Serving as a sequel to The Girl and the Stars, which was an amazing 2020 release, this outstanding and distinctive novel continues to impress and I am really enjoying this cool series.

What did you recently finish reading?

Inscape by Louise Carey (Trade Paperback)

Inscape Cover

Grave Peril
by Jim Butcher (Audiobook)

Grave Peril Cover

by Terry Miles (Trade Paperback)

Rabbits Cover

The Ninth Metal
by Benjamin Percy (Trade Paperback)

The Ninth Metal Cover

What do you think you’ll read next?

Artifact Space by Miles Cameron (ebook)

Artifact Space Cover


That’s it for this week, check back in next Wednesday to see what progress I’ve made on my reading and what books I’ll be looking at next.

Waiting on Wednesday – The Ninth Metal by Benjamin Percy

Welcome to my weekly segment, Waiting on Wednesday, where I look at upcoming books that I am planning to order and review in the next few months and which I think I will really enjoy.  I run this segment in conjunction with the Can’t-Wait Wednesday meme that is currently running at Wishful Endings.  Stay tuned to see reviews of these books when I get a copy of them.  For this week’s Waiting on Wednesday, I look at The Ninth Metal by Benjamin Percy, an awesome upcoming science fiction novel that I think is going to be a lot of fun to read.

The Ninth Metal Cover

Benjamin Percy is a fantastic author who is probably best known for his contributions to the comic book world.  Over the last few years, Percy has helped write intriguing series for both DC and Marvel Comics, including stints on Green Arrow, Teen Titans, Nightwing, X-Force and Wolverine.  Percy has also written several novels which generally have a science fiction twist to them.  These books include The Wilding, Red Moon, The Dead Lands and The Dark Net, each of which sound rather intriguing and cool.  I have read and enjoyed a couple of Percy’s comics recently and it will be interesting to see what his full-length novels are like.

Percy’s next project, The Ninth Metal, is another compelling science fiction novel, which is currently set for release on 1 June 2021.  The Ninth Metal will serve as the first book in The Comet Cycle, which will showcase the complex aftermath of a meteor strike in rural Minnesota, which not only brings destruction but opportunity as a rare metal is deposited in the ground.  This leads to a new gold rush, as everyone attempts to claim the new mineral for themselves to gain power and money.  I really like the sound of this fascinating and cool new book and I cannot wait to see what chaos and destruction this new resource causes for the residents of Northfall, Minnesota.



At first, people gazed in wonder at the radiant tear in the sky. A year later, the celestial marvel became a planetary crisis when Earth spun through the comet’s debris field and the sky rained fire.

The town of Northfall, Minnesota will never be the same. Meteors cratered hardwood forests and annihilated homes, and among the wreckage a new metal was discovered. This “omnimetal” has properties that make it world-changing as an energy source…and a weapon.

John Frontier—the troubled scion of an iron-ore dynasty in Northfall—returns for his sister’s wedding to find his family embroiled in a cutthroat war to control mineral rights and mining operations. His father rightly suspects foreign leaders and competing corporations of sabotage, but the greatest threat to his legacy might be the US government. Physicist Victoria Lennon was recruited by the Department of Defence to research omnimetal, but she finds herself trapped in a laboratory of nightmares. And across town, a rookie cop is investigating a murder that puts her own life in the crosshairs. She will have to compromise her moral code to bring justice to this now lawless community.

In this gut-punch of a novel, the first in his Comet Cycle, Ben Percy lays bare how a modern-day goldrush has turned the middle of nowhere into the center of everything, and how one family—the Frontiers—hopes to control it all.