Waiting on Wednesday – Capture or Kill by Don Bentley (series created by Vince Flynn)

Welcome to my weekly segment, Waiting on Wednesday, where I look at upcoming books that I am planning to order and review in the next few months and which I think I will really enjoy.  I run this segment in conjunction with the Can’t-Wait Wednesday meme that is currently running at Wishful Endings.  Stay tuned to see reviews of these books when I get a copy of them.  In my latest Waiting on Wednesday, I highlight a new entry in one of my favourite thriller series that looks to take the franchise in a new direction with Capture or Kill by Don Bentley.

Capture or Kill Cover


Ever since I started writing this blog one of the main spy thriller series that I have been enjoying are the exciting Mitch Rapp books.  Initially written by Vince Flynn, the Mitch Rapp books follow a grizzled American spy who is sent out to stop the biggest threats to the United States in a very violent fashion.  The first 14 Mitch Rapp books were written by Flynn before his passing in 2013, with the series subsequently continued by Kyle Mills.  I personally have enjoyed the last several books by Mills, including Red War, Lethal Agent, Total Power, Enemy at the Gates, Oath of Loyalty and Code Red, which have contained some outstanding storylines, including attacks on America’s power grid and a dangerous US President trying to take down the protagonist.  As such, this series is now firmly on my must-read list every year, and I always look forward to an over-the-top adventure with Mitch Rapp.

The 2024 addition to the series is set to come out in September, however, there have been some interesting developments on that front.  The main change is that Kyle Mills is no longer writing the series and instead it has been taken over by veteran thriller author Don Bentley.  Bentley, who already has a lot of experience with other major thriller series, looks to take the series back to its roots with Capture or Kill, especially as it will see Rapp return to take on dangerous threats in the Middle East.

Plot Synopsis:

Mitch Rapp faces an Iranian foe bent on destabilizing the Middle East in the newest thriller from Vince Flynn’s #1 New York Times bestselling series, now written by the “worthy successor to Tom Clancy” (Publishers Weekly) Don Bentley.

April 2011: On a remote mountaintop overlooking the remains of the Iranian nuclear weapons program, Azad Ashani witnesses a Quds Force demonstration of a capability meant to upend America’s war in the Middle East. Ashani, director of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security and Irene Kennedy’s former back channel to the Iranian government, recognizes the demonstration’s true significance, and the nation-ending conflict it will provoke. Alone, Ashani stands no chance of preventing this rush to madness.

But with the help of one man, he just might.

In Washington, DC, CIA director Irene Kennedy briefs the president that the operational window to kill or capture Osama bin Laden at his recently discovered compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan is rapidly closing. But before he’ll authorize a commando raid on Pakistani soil, the president demands irrefutable proof of bin Laden’s presence.

Proof he trusts just one man to provide.

Preventing a looming war in the Middle East while delivering justice for the nearly 3,000 Americans killed on 9/11 would be a big ask for anyone.

Mitch Rapp isn’t just anyone.

This sounds like a pretty fun new adventure for the Mitch Rapp series, and I am very intrigued to see how Bentley takes over the character in this 23rd book.  Pitting Rapp against terrorist foes and the Iranian government is a classic adventure for this action protagonist, and I am curious to see the story go back a few years to 2011.  I have no doubt whatsoever that Capture or Kill is going to be a particularly exciting and epic read, and I cannot wait to get my hands on it later this year.

2 thoughts on “Waiting on Wednesday – Capture or Kill by Don Bentley (series created by Vince Flynn)

  1. Literary Feline

    I haven’t tried Vince Flynn’s books, but I have heard good things about them. This sounds like a series I should try. I do enjoy spy thrillers and it’s been awhile since I last read one. Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

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