Top Ten Tuesday – Authors I’d Love a New Book From

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme that currently resides at The Artsy Reader Girl and features bloggers sharing lists on various book topics.  For this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, participants are tasked with listing the top authors that they’d love a new book from.  This could be because the author hasn’t written anything for a while, has passed away, or because the blogger has loved the author’s work so much that they have outpaced their writing.

This proved to be a rather interesting topic to pull together and I was eventually able to come up with a good ten entries, including my typical honourable mention section.  I ended up with a good mixture of authors, many of whom haven’t released a book quick enough for my liking for various reasons.  I have cheated a little bit in places when it comes to some writers, but I did try to avoid authors who had a new book out in the last year, even if said book wasn’t part of a series that I was interested in.  I think my final list turned out rather well and there are several awesome authors I wish I could get a new book from.

Honourable Mentions:

Brian McClellan

In the Shadow of Lightning Cover

I really enjoyed McClellan’s last book, In the Shadow of Lightning, and I am desperate for a sequel.  However, I should also read his Powder Mage series properly to get some epic fantasy adventures.


Andrew Shvarts

It Ends in Fire Cover 2

Shvarts is an excellent young adult fantasy author who had been really growing on me thanks to his Royal Bastards trilogy (Royal Bastards, City of Bastards and War of the Bastards) and his standalone novel, It Ends in Fire.  Unfortunately, we haven’t had anything from Shvarts for a couple of years, which is a real shame.


Chris Wooding

The Shadow Casket Cover

Chris Wooding probably shouldn’t be on this list, considering he did have a book out last year.  However, I am extremely keen to get a copy of his next novel in his Darkwater Legacy series, especially after how good his first two books, The Ember Blade and The Shadow Casket, were.  I’m mostly including Wooding here because I know it will be a while until we get a third Darkwater Legacy novel, and I am very impatient.


Suzanne Collins

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Cover

I’m of the firm belief that there is even more that can be pulled from The Hunger Games universe, and I really hope Collins develops some additional awesome books.

Top Ten Tuesday:

Terry Pratchett

Guards! Guards! Cover

Let’s start this list off very strong with the late, great Terry Pratchett.  I have made it no secret that Terry Pratchett is one of my absolute favourite authors, and his books have been a big part of my literary journey, including inspiring the name of this blog.  I have had the great pleasure of reading all his books over the years many times, and if we could get at least one more, I would be very happy.  I would especially love another entry in the Discworld universe, mainly because there are still a few questions that need to be answered, but alas that is not to be.  As such, Pratchett was the easiest choice I made for this entire list, and I am sure many other readers out there would agree with my desire for another Pratchett novel.


Jim Butcher

Battle Ground Cover

The second entry on this list is another pretty obvious one for me, as I have been absolutely powering through Jim Butcher’s iconic Dresden Files series the last couple of years.  All 17 books in this series, such as Storm Front, Dead Beat, Changes and Skin Game have been so damn epic, and I have loved every second I spent reading it.  However, we haven’t had a new Dresden Files book since 2020, when the last two books, Peace Talks and Battle Ground came out.  Now that I have read through the entire series, I am desperate for a new book, and the 18th entry in the series cannot come soon enough.


Patrick Rothfuss

The Name of the Wind Cover

An author who will no doubt appear on many participants lists is Patrick Rothfuss.  An excellent writer of epic fantasy fiction, Rothfuss deeply impressed readers with his first two novels, The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear, both of which are part of his iconic Kingkiller Chronicles.  Unfortunately, we have not had a new book in the series since The Wise Man’s Fear came out in 2011, and people are very, very keen for a third entry.  While Rothfuss did recently release the novella, The Narrow Road Between Desires, I would give anything to finally get my hands on the long promised third book, The Doors of Stone.


Sam Hawke

Hollow Empire Cover 2

One series I have been particularly upset not to see anything from recently is the Poison War series by Sam Hawke.  Hawke really impressed me with her first two novels, City of Lies and Hollow Empire, and I have been eagerly awaiting a third entry in the series, or even a new book from Hawke, for a while.  Unfortunately, we haven’t had anything from Hawke since 2020, and I hope that changes at some point in the future.


Max Brooks

Devolution Cover

Max Brooks is another great author who hasn’t written a new novel for a while.  Brooks, who shot to fame with the exceptional World War Z, has only really written another full novel, Devolution, which was another amazing book.  Devolution came out in 2020 and that was the last book we’ve seen from Brooks, excluding his Minecraft novels (I might be a snob by leaving them out, but oh well).  I would absolutely love another clever horror novel or unique thriller from Brooks, and hopefully that will happen sooner rather than later.  Brooks does have a cool sounding novella coming out later this year, so that might hold me over for a while.


Joe Abercrombie

The Wisdom of Crowds Cover

I am a huge fan of Joe Abercrombie, and his awesome and addictive dark fantasy novels are so damn good, especially those that are part of his First Law universe.  His last trilogy, the Age of Madness books (A Little Hatred, The Trouble With Peace and The Wisdom of Crowds), were particularly epic, and Abercrombie left The Wisdom of Crowds on an intriguing note.  However, it has now been three years since we’ve seen a new book from Abercrombie, and I am really eager to see more from him.  Abercrombie does have a new book, The Devils, coming out next year, and while it’s not part of the First Law series, I cannot wait to check it out.


Scott Lynch

The Lies of Locke Lamora Cover

Another major author who many people would include on this list is Scott Lynch, whose Gentleman Bastards series has inspired many fantasy fans.  Made up of The Lies of Locke Lamora, Red Seas Under Red Skies and The Republic of Thieves, the Gentleman Bastards novels are so damn good, and I had an amazing time reading them.  Unfortunately, it has been over 10 years since we got a new entry, and the fourth book, The Thorn of Emberlain, still has no firm release date.  Many fantasy fans, including myself, are still hopeful that we will get The Thorn of Emberlain at some point, and I know I am going to love it when it finally comes out.


Timothy Zahn

Thrawn Cover

After falling in love with his epic Star Wars novels, including Thrawn, Alliances, Treason, Chaos Rising, Greater Good, Lesser Evil and Scoundrels, I would love another book from Zahn, especially if he returns to the Star Wars universe again.  I think there is a need for Zahn’s talents in the Star Wars extended fiction space, especially as his most iconic character, Grand Admiral Thrawn, recently had his live action debut in the Ahsoka television series.


Nick Martell

The Voyage of the Forgotten Cover

Nick Martell is an author who greatly impressed me over the last few years.  His debut trilogy, the Legacy of the Mercenary Kings series, was exceptional, and I loved the elaborate story he told.  All three books, including The Kingdom of Liars (one of my favourite books, debuts and audiobooks of 2020), The Two-Faced Queen (one of my favourite books and audiobooks of 2021) and The Voyage of the Forgotten (one of my favourite books of 2022), were exceedingly good, and I had an outstanding time reading them.  However, it has been nearly two years since Martell’s last book, and we have yet to have any details about his future works.  While I don’t want to rush Martell, I sure would love another book from him, especially if it continues the elaborate narrative he set up in his initial trilogy.


Andy Weir

Project Hail Mary Cover

The last entry on this list is acclaimed science fiction author Andy Weir.  Weir deeply impressed me with his 2021 novel, Project Hail Mary, which featured an exceptional and highly clever story, and I am also a big fan of his iconic book The Martian.  Due to these, Weir is on my instant-read list, and anything new that comes from him will be grabbed and enjoyed on sight.  However, we haven’ seen anything from him for a while, and I hope that he pulls something together soon.  Still Weir is known for having a big gap between books, so I’m sure something will turn up at some point.



That’s the end of my list.  As you can see, there are several great authors I would love another book from, and hopefully I won’t have to wait too long for some of them.  I think this list turned out great, and I look forward to seeing which of these authors will provide me my desired book first.  Let me know which authors you would love another book from in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Authors I’d Love a New Book From

  1. Stephen M

    interesting topic. Like many I am also waiting for books from Rothfuss and Lynch (in fact it was your Waiting… posts on these books that originally drew me into your blog!)

    agree that a new Discworld book would be amazing. Iain Banks and David Gemmell would also be authors I would love to have more books by

    Liked by 1 person

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