The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe

The Girl in Question Cover

Publisher: Hodder Children’s Books (Trade Paperback – 9 April 2024)

Series: The Girls I’ve Been – Book Two

Length: 442 pages

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars


In the mood for a clever, emotionally charged young adult thriller with some real heart behind it?  Look no further than one of the best books of 2024 so far, The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe.

Back in early 2021 I had the very great pleasure of reading an outstanding young adult thriller that had caught my eye thanks to its intriguing narrative and the promise it was being turned into a Netflix series.  That book was The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe, which proved to be an extremely impressive read I had a wonderful time getting through.  The Girls I’ve Been followed Nora O’Malley, a young teenager with a dark past as a con artist, who had managed to escape her abusive mother and gangster stepfather and find happiness with her older sister in a small town.  Caught up in a bank robbery, Nora was forced to bring back her old tricks to save her friends, only for her actions to reveal her location to those hunting her.  The Girls I’ve Been was such a great read, and I had such an amazing time getting through it.  As such, I was very excited when I heard that Sharpe was releasing a sequel this year with The Girl in Question, one of my most anticipated books of 2024, which continued the story from the first novel in a big way.

Former con artist Nora O’Malley is enjoying life while she can.  Having recently finished high school, Nora is excited for the careers and futures that her girlfriend Iris and her best friend Wes are planning for.  However, Nora knows that her own future is bleak and unlikely to be long.  Her secret past has been exposed, and with her murderous stepfather Raymond now free from prison, it’s only a matter of time before he comes to kill her.

Determined not to live in despair while waiting to die, Nora agrees to accompany Iris and Wes on a summer hiking trip.  The long trek through the woods is everything Nora could want to relax, even with Wes’s new girlfriend, Amanda, tagging along, and she is able to put the thoughts of imminent death out of her head.  That is, until Amanda is taken hostage in the night and their camp comes under attack from Raymond’s vengeful goons.

Split up in the woods without backup, help or leverage, Nora, Iris and Wes’s chances seem dire.  But these are no ordinary teenagers.  All three have gone through hell in their lives and none are willing to give up on each other.  Working together to fight back, the three friends seek to survive together.  However, there are unknown players in the woods, and Nora will need to use all her skills at manipulation to keep herself and her friends alive.  But nothing is as it seems, and deep secrets amongst the trio could break them apart well before they are hunted down.

The Girl in Question was another excellent young adult thriller from Tess Sharpe that expertly built on the story from the first book, while taking the characters in some interesting directions.  Sharp, clever, and highly intense, The Girl in Question is guaranteed to keep you on your toes as you get drawn into the action.

Sharpe comes up with a great story for The Girl in Question, taking the protagonists through hell and back as they attempt to survive the dangerous forces coming for them.  Set a couple of years after the events of The Girls I’ve Been, The Girl in Question starts with an intriguing prelude that hints at events to come, before diving into the main story, with Nora and her friends planning a trip into the forest.  Sharpe does a good job of exploring the aftermath of the first book, the strong relationships between the main characters, and the general apprehension felt by the protagonist about her potential upcoming doom.  There are also several hints that the protagonists know far more than they should, and they have secrets they are keeping from everyone.  Soon the characters find themselves stuck in the woods, which quickly results in chaos as the bad guys find them and prepare to kill them.

This first third of the plot is really intriguing and fun, but the action really kicks in for the last two thirds of the book.  Sharpe does a great job of utilising the dark situation the protagonists are stuck in, and I loved the feeling of isolation and desperation that they feel.  There is also a good use of flashbacks throughout this early part of the book to explore more of Nora’s past with the antagonist, especially as it introduces a couple of the goons running around the woods.  All three of the main protagonists react in some great ways, and I loved seeing them take charge and fight back, while also dealing with their own personal issues.  This works until around halfway through, whereupon Sharpe reveals a pretty massive twist that changes the entire direction of the story and makes you realise nothing was what you thought.  There is a great extended flashback that sets up some very interesting character development, before the action returns to present and results in some intriguing interactions.  Sharpe throws in some great moments and reveals leading towards the conclusion, and I for one was very hooked as the elaborate and thrilling story continued.  The final confrontation was everything you would hope it to be as Sharpe ensures that everyone gets what they deserve, one way or another.  Throw in a few fun and often dark final twists and turns, including some well-deserved revenge, and this proves to be quite a fantastic read that I really could not get enough of.

Unlike a lot of other sequels that I read, I felt that The Girl in Question didn’t massively work as a standalone novel; people really need to check out the previous novel first.  While Sharpe does do a decent recap of The Girls I’ve Been for new readers, so many story elements from the first book are referenced in the sequel that you’d be much better off getting through that previous novel in advance.  However, no matter what, you are in for a treat with The Girl in Question, as Sharpe produces a powerful thriller that expertly utilises all the best elements from the first book.  The great changes in perspective, especially between the two main characters, the short, sharp, action-packed chapters, as well as the excellent flashbacks and fun little lists thrown in between chapters work together well to tell a great story.  You really get a great sense of the action, and the slow build towards the various twists works well, especially with the occasional hint of what is to come.  I loved how Sharpe maintained a very quick story pace, and there is honestly not a quiet moment where something thrilling or emotionally charged is taking place.

Like the previous novel in the series, The Girl in Question proves to be an excellent piece of young adult fiction that will appeal to a wide teenage audience and beyond.  While most of the story focus is on the characters or the over-the-top crime thriller elements, Sharpe does take the time to discuss issues relevant to teenagers, like the uncertainty of the future, complicated friendships, and abusive parents, the latter of which is a recurring theme amongst the main characters.  I really appreciated how Sharpe doesn’t talk down to her teenage audience when it comes to these elements, or the dark crime fiction inclusions, and these readers will no doubt love this gritty novel and its fantastic story.

At its heart, The Girl in Question is driven by its compelling central cast, as Sharpe continues to explore the lives of three damaged teenagers as they attempt to overcome their respective pasts, and the dark threats of the future coming for them.  As with the first book, a large amount of the character focus revolves around protagonist Nora O’Malley, the daughter of a notorious con artist who was used as a tool in her mother’s ploys before breaking free in dramatic fashion.  Ever since the events of the last book, Nora has been living in fear as her location has been leaked and her vengeful stepfather is likely coming for her.  This ensures a healthy dose of fatalism in Nora, and she is forced to choose between her instinct to run and her current connections and relationships.  Nora proves to be a real firecracker of a protagonist, and I like how dark she can get as she tries to protect those closest to her.  Determined, manipulative and deadly, Nora walks a thin line between the criminal she was raised to be and the caring person her friends turned her into and must come to terms with what her natural inclination to deceive costs those around her.  I really enjoyed following Nora as a central protagonist and Sharpe takes her storyline in some interesting directions.

In addition to Nora, the other two main characters are Nora’s girlfriend Iris, and their best friend Wes.  Both these characters have grown a lot closer to Nora since the last book, as the trauma of their pasts and the bank robbery they find themselves stuck in have ensured they have become a tight unit.  Of the two, Iris gets most of the focus, and she ends up narrating nearly half the book.  Iris is an interesting counterpoint to Nora, especially as she is a little more innocent and unused to the dangers of Nora’s life and worries about being helpless.  Despite that, she proves to be quite formidable as the book progresses, and indeed she might be the most dangerous member of the group.  Wes, on the other hand, is a solid and compelling addition to the group, serving as the man of action who is desperately trying to keep his friends safe from the dangers around him.  While he is not focused on as heavily as Nora and Iris, Wes is a major figure, and it was interesting to see how his friendship with the two girls has changed him, as well the trauma surrounding him from his abusive father.  The bond between these three characters is a major part of The Girl in Question’s strength, and it was great to see them work together as the novel progressed.  This bond is tested in places, especially as they are forced to lie to each other, but this was an overall nice character dynamic that produced an epic read.  Other characters of note include Wes’s girlfriend, Amanda, whose own secrets plays in an interesting role in the plot, one very good dog, an ambitious FBI agent who takes a stroll in the woods for her own ends, and a bevy of great antagonists, including the big-bad Raymond.  These characters all add so much to the book, and I loved the powerful story arcs around them all.

Tess Sharpe has produced another outstanding young adult thriller with The Girl in Question.  Perfectly following on from the previous novel, The Girl in Question was a powerful, clever and compelling read that had me hooked the entire way through.  This was such an amazing book and I look forward to seeing what unique and powerful young adult adventures Sharpe comes up with in the future.


WWW Wednesday – 22 May 2024

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words, where bloggers share the books that they’ve recently finished, what they are currently reading and what books they are planning to read next. Essentially you have to answer three questions (the Three Ws):

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

So, let’s get to it.

What are you currently reading:

Think Twice by Harlan Coben (Trade Paperback)

Think Twice Cover

I just started reading the intriguing thriller Think Twice by Harlan Coben.  A compelling novel that sees one of Coben’s recurring protagonists investigate recent murders apparently committed by his long-dead friend, Think Twice has an intriguing plot behind it that I am really starting to get into.  I have made a bit of progress already and I am hoping to knock off Think Twice over the weekend.  I look forward to finding out how it comes together, and I am hoping for a really elaborate narrative.



Crucible of Chaos by Sebastien De Castell (Audiobook)

Crucible of Chaos Cover

After having so much fun with the epic novel, Play of Shadows, earlier this year, I have been meaning to read more stuff from impressive author Sebastien De Castell.  As such, when I was in the mood for a good fantasy book, I decided to grab the late 2023 release, Crucible of Chaos by De Castell.  Serving as a loosely connected prelude to Play of Shadows, Crucible of Chaos is a unique mystery novel that sees a wandering magistrate enter a conflicted abbey where the monks have initiated a holy civil war.  I am loving this outrageous and awesome novel, and I am absolutely flying through the audiobook version of it.  I am nearly halfway through Crucible of Chaos at this point, and I am very, very intrigued, to see how De Castell will bring this elaborate story together. 


What did you recently finish reading?

The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe (Trade Paperback)

The Girl in Question Cover

I managed to finish off the fantastic young adult thriller The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe this week.  The sequel to the impressive novel, The Girls I’ve BeenThe Girl in Question was an amazing and very clever book that really grabbed my attention.  A particularly impressive read, review to follow soon.



Warhammer 40,000: Deathworlder by Victoria Hayward (Audiobook)

Warhammer 40,000 - Deathworlder Cover

I also finished off the awesome Warhammer 40,000 novel, Deathworlder this week. A particularly dark and epic piece of Warhammer 40,000 fiction, Deathworlder was an outstanding debut novel from Victoria Hayward and I will try to get a review up for it quickly as well.


What do you think you’ll read next?

Death on the Tiber by Lindsey Davis

Death on the Tiber Cover

While I have a few potential books to read next, I think I will probably dive into the new Lindsey Davis novel, Death on the Tiber.  The latest book in Davis’ long-running Flavia Albia historical murder mystery series, Death on the Tiber will see the series’ protagonist investigate another complex murder in ancient Rome, this time while dealing with demons from her past.  I really love this amazing series and I have no doubt I will have a wonderful time reading Death on the Tiber.



That’s it for this week, check back in next Wednesday to see what progress I’ve made on my reading and what books I’ll be looking at next.

WWW Wednesday – 15 May 2024

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words, where bloggers share the books that they’ve recently finished, what they are currently reading and what books they are planning to read next. Essentially you have to answer three questions (the Three Ws):

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

So, let’s get to it.

What are you currently reading:

The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe (Trade Paperback)

The Girl in Question Cover

I just started reading the fantastic young adult thriller The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe.  The sequel to the impressive novel, The Girls I’ve Been, The Girl in Question follows a teenage former con artist and her friends as they go up against gangsters and corrupt FBI agents trying to kill them.  I haven’t gotten too far into The Girl in Question yet, but it is shaping up to be a particularly awesome read.



Warhammer 40,000: Deathworlder by Victoria Hayward (Audiobook)

Warhammer 40,000 - Deathworlder Cover

I didn’t get as much audiobook listening time as I had hoped this week, so I am still listening to the awesome Warhammer 40,000 novel, Deathworlder.  The debut novel from Victoria Hayward, Deathworlder is a dark and exciting book that follows the best jungle fighters in the galaxy as they are forced to traverse a world slowly being devoured by monstrous aliens. Deathworlder is proving to be a particularly impressive piece of Warhammer 40,000 fiction and I should hopefully finish it off in the next day or so.


What did you recently finish reading?

The Book That Broke the World by Mark Lawrence (Trade Paperback)

The Book That Broke the World Cover

I managed to finish off the complex science fiction/fantasy hybrid The Book That Broke the World by Mark Lawrence this week.  The sequel to one of my favourite books of 2023The Book that Wouldn’t BurnThe Book That Broke the World follows several intriguing characters lost in the intricacies of a massive and chaotic library.  An excellent and unique read, I will try to get a review up for it soon.


What do you think you’ll read next?

Think Twice by Harlan Coben

Think Twice Cover

The next book I am thinking about reading is the intriguing thriller Think Twice by Harlan Coben.  A compelling novel that will see one of Coben’s recurring protagonists investigate recent murders apparently committed by his long-dead friend, Think Twice sounds really cool and I look forward to checking it out.



That’s it for this week, check back in next Wednesday to see what progress I’ve made on my reading and what books I’ll be looking at next.

Book Haul – 13 April 2024

I have been having another excellent couple of weeks for books, and I was lucky enough to receive several incredible and amazing new novels from local publishers, Netgalley and the local bookshop.  These novels include some truly awesome new releases, including several books that have the potential to be some of my top reads of the year.  I cannot wait to dive into them, and I look forward to seeing how they turn out.

The Gathering by C. J. Tudor

The Gathering Cover

The first book I want to highlight in this Book Haul is The Gathering by C. J. Tudor.  An outstanding horror thriller that sees a detective attempt to determine if a murder in a small Alaskan town was committed by local vampires.  I have actually already read The Gathering and it proved to be an incredible read that comes highly recommended.


The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton

The Last Murder at the End of the World Cover

Another outstanding recently released novel that I have already read is The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton.  An intriguing and unique mystery; The Last Murder at the End of the World follows the last vestiges of humanity as they attempt to solve a devastating murder.  A very clever novel that I had an outstanding time reading.


The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe

The Girl in Question Cover

I was very happy to receive a copy of the young adult thriller, The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe.  The sequel to Sharpe’s outstanding prior novel, The Girls I’ve Been, The Girl in Question will see the series’ teenage protagonist attempt to outwit a series of hitman coming for her.  I had such an incredible time with the previous novel in this series and I have no doubt I am going to love the sequel.


The Sky on Fire by Jenn Lyons

The Sky on Fire Cover

An intriguing new fantasy novel from the very impressive Jenn Lyons, The Sky on Fire is a fun sounding book that will see a band of misfits attempt to pull off a heist from a city of dragons.  Need I say more?


The Shadow King by Harry Sidebottom

The Shadow King Cover

One of my favourite historical fiction authors, Harry Sidebottom, turns to a new period as he dives into the reign of Alexander the Great.  Following the other Alexander of Macedon, The Shadow King sounds really interesting, and I cannot wait to see what outstanding story Sidebottom comes up with.


Empire by Conn Iggulden

Empire Cover

While I am waiting for Iggulden’s new book, Nero, I just had to grab a copy of his prior novel, Empire, which I missed last year.  Following the inevitable war between the Athenians and the Spartans, Empire sounds extremely awesome and I cannot wait to read it.


Firefly: Coup de Grace by Una McCormack

Coup De Grace Cover

The final book I recently grabbed was the 2023 Firefly novel, Coup de Grace by Una McCormack.  This is a cool tie-in novel that sees the Serenity crew get caught up in a gang war when a murdered lawyer’s daughter hires them to get justice. I always have a lot of fun with the Firefly series, and I cannot wait to dive into this latest entry.


Well, that’s the end of this latest Book Haul post.  As you can see I have quite a bit of reading to do at the moment thanks to all these awesome books that have come in.  Let me know which of the above you are most interested in and make sure to check back in a few weeks to see my reviews of them.

Top Ten Tuesday – Books on my Autumn 2024 To-Be-Read (TBR) List

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme that currently resides at The Artsy Reader Girl and features bloggers sharing lists on various book topics.  The official Top Ten Tuesday topic for this week required participants to list the most unusual topics that they have looked up online as a result of reading a book, which while interesting, wasn’t something I felt I could contribute to.  However, as this is the first Tuesday of March, I thought this would be a good opportunity to do my quarterly post about the best upcoming books to read in Autumn (Spring for folks in the Northern Hemisphere).  This is a regular post I do at the start of each season, and I always love to highlight some of the most impressive sounding novels coming out in the next three months.

For this list, I have come up with the ten books coming out between 1 March 2024 and 31 May 2024 that I am most excited for.  There are quite a few very cool novels set for release in the next few months that I am looking forward to, including some of my most anticipated books of the year (as well as my most anticipated fantasy/science fiction books of the year).  Due to how impressive some of these upcoming books are, it took me a little while to finalise my list, but I was eventually able to whittle it down into a Top Ten list (with a few honourable mentions).  I have primarily used the Australian publication dates to reflect when I will be able to get these awesome novels, and these might be somewhat different to the rest of the world.  I have previously discussed a number of these books before in prior Waiting on Wednesday articles and I think all of them will turn out to be incredible reads.  I am really excited for the next three months as quite a few up these upcoming reads have the potential to be some of my favourite books of 2024.

Honourable Mentions:

White Ash Ridge by S. R. White – 14 March 2024

White Ash Ridge Cover

A cool, imminent Australian murder mystery with a very intriguing premise behind it.



The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill – 19 March 2024

The Mystery Writer Cover

Another unique novel from one of Australia’s best crime fiction authors.



Behind a Closed Door by J.D. Barker – 13 May 2024

Behind A Closed Door Cover

A brilliant and dark thriller from the always impressive J. D. Barker



The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton – 21 May 2024

The Last Murder at the End of the World Cover

A fantastic sounding science fiction thriller with a particularly distinctive murder premise behind it.


Top Ten List:

Devil’s Kitchen by Candice Fox – 26 March 2024

Devil's Kitchen Cover

The first book on this list is probably the novel I will be reading next, with Devil’s Kitchen by Candice Fox.  A compelling and fun sounding thriller by one of Australia’s most popular crime fiction authors, Devil’s Kitchen sounds extremely awesome and I cannot wait to read it, especially after how much I enjoyed The Murder Inn by Fox earlier this year.



Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky – 28 March 2024

Alien Clay Cover

After his exceptional 2023, where he released both City of Last Chances and House of Open Wounds (two of my favourite books of 2023), I am eagerly waiting to read all of Adrian Tchaikovsky’s upcoming books.  His first 2024 release is Alien Clay, an outstanding and entertaining science fiction read set in a deadly prison on an alien planet.  It sounds like Alien Clay will combine over-the-top characters with unique science fiction concepts and I have no doubt that this is going to be one of the most entertaining reads of the next three months.



The Book That Broke the World by Mark Lawrence – 9 April 2024

The Book That Broke the World Cover

The gripping sequel to Lawrence’s exceptional 2023 novel, The Book That Wouldn’t Burn, The Book That Broke the World is an awesome upcoming read that I am so very excited for.  Continuing the elaborate narrative started in The Book That Wouldn’t Burn, which follows two connected characters whose lives revolve around a massive library; The Book That Broke the World will no doubt contain more of Lawrence’s exceptional world building and amazing storytelling.



Star Wars: The Living Force by John Jackson Miller – 9 April 2024

Star Wars - The Living Force Cover

It has been a little while since I read a Star Wars novel, but that is going to change in April when I get my hands on The Living Force by John Jackson Miller.  Set before the events of The Phantom Menace, The Living Force has an intriguing story that will expand out the early lore of the Star Wars franchise.  I cannot wait to see what excellent story Miller has planned for The Living Force, and I have no doubt I am going to love this book.



Death on the Tiber by Lindsey Davis – 9 April 2024

Death on the Tiber Cover

One of my favourite historical fiction authors, Lindsey Davis, will continue her impressive Flavia Albia series in April with the new book, Death on the Tiber.  Featuring another intriguing mystery set in ancient Rome, Death on the Tiber promises to be a particularly awesome addition to the series, especially as it pits the protagonist against an old foe from her traumatic past.



Warhammer 40,000: Deathworlder by Victoria Hayward – 23 April 2024

Warhammer 40,000 - Deathworlder Cover

I have been loving some of the great Warhammer 40,000 novels in 2024, but one of my most anticipated releases is Deathworlder by Victoria Hayward.  Set to feature the ultimate battle of survival between the hardest human jungle warriors in the canon and the deadliest aliens, Deathworlder has so much awesome potential and I cannot wait to get my hands on it.



The Silverblood Promise by James Logan – 7 May 2024

The Silverblood Promise Cover

The fantasy release that has me most intrigued in the next few months is The Silverblood Promise.  The debut novel of James Logan, The Silverblood Promise will combine a cool new fantasy world with thrilling criminal intrigue, as a young lord tries to determine who killed his father in a deadly city.  This book sounds so damn amazing, and I am hoping to dive into it very soon.



The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe – 14 May 2024

The Girl in Question Cover

Back in 2021, I had the very great pleasure of reading The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe, a young adult thriller that pitted a teenage con artist with a past against deadly bank robbers.  I absolutely loved The Girls I’ve Been, and I was excited to find out a sequel, The Girl in Question, is coming out in May.  Set to follow the protagonist as she once again faces off against the ghosts of her past, The Girl in Question is going to be outstanding and I cannot wait to read it.



Cloaked Deception by Timothy Zahn – 14 May 2024

Cloaked Deception Cover

One of the more unique books coming out in Autumn this year is Cloaked Deception by Timothy Zahn.  An epic and entertaining science fiction thriller, Cloaked Deception features a brilliant narrative that will see a deadly assassination plan involving nuclear weapons become entangled with the theft of advanced cloaking technology.  I love the over-the-top plot of this book, and I cannot wait to see how it unfolds.



Necrotek by Jonathan Maberry – 28 May 2024

Necrotek Cover

The final book I want to highlight on this list is Necrotek by one of my favourite authors Jonathan Maberry.  The first book in a new series from Maberry, Necrotek is a dark and brutal sounding piece of science fiction that will see human scientists encounter a deadly, Lovecraftian threat in space.  I have no doubt that Maberry is going to deliver another outstanding read here with Necrotek and I cannot wait to get my hands on its audiobook version, especially with the always amazing Ray Porter narrating it.




Well, that is the end of my Top Ten list.  I think it turned out pretty well and it does a good job of capturing all my most anticipated books for the next three months.  Each of the above should be extremely epic, and I cannot wait to read each of them soon.  Let me know which of the above you are most excited for and stay tuned for reviews of them in the next few months.  In the meantime, it looks like I have quite a few books to get through soon and they should all be pretty awesome.

Top Ten Tuesday – Most Anticipated Thrillers, Crime Fiction and Historical Fiction releasing in the First Half of 2024

Welcome to my second Top Ten Tuesday list of the week, were I look at my most anticipated thrillers, crime fiction and historical fiction novels coming out in the first half of 2024.  Traditionally I usually only do one list to represent the top upcoming books for the year, however, I was inspired to separate out the fantasy and science fiction novels into my previous list, while this list will feature epic reads from the other major genres that I am interested in.

Despite only just starting, 2024 is already shaping up to be an epic and exciting year for books with a huge range of impressive and highly anticipated novels due for release in the next 12 months.  This includes exciting debuts, anticipated sequels and the latest entries in beloved bestselling series.  The first half of the year is looking particularly awesome, with a substantial number of incredible upcoming releases that I am deeply looking forward to. 

Even though I excluded fantasy and science fiction books, this ended up being a rather difficult list to pull together due to all the awesome releases coming out in Australia or on Netgalley between 1 January 2024 and 30 June 2024.  There were way too many extraordinary upcoming books that I could have included, and I ended up having to make some very tough calls and cutting several novels that have an immense amount of potential.  Despite this, I am rather happy with the eventual choices that I made, and I think that this list reflects the upcoming novels and comics I am going to have the most fun reading. However, there are also some interesting new books that I am discussing for the first time here, so that should give this list a bit of variety.  So let us get to my selections and find out which upcoming novels are my most anticipated releases for the first half of 2024.

Honourable Mentions:

Goodbye Girl by James Grippando – 9 January 2024

Goodbye Girl Cover

A compelling legal thriller with a ton of potential.



The Murder Inn by James Patterson and Candice Fox – 13 February 2024

The Murder Inn Cover

A great crime fiction read about killers heading towards an unusual inn, introduced in a prior novel by Patterson and Fox.



Nobody’s Hero by M. W. Craven – 1 June 2024

Nobody's Hero Cover

The exciting sequel to Craven’s 2023 novel, Fearless, I can’t wait to get my hands on it.



Sentinel by Mark Greaney – 25 June 2024

Sentinel Cover

The fantastic sounding sequel to Greaney’s amazing action-packed Armored, Sentinel sounds very exciting and I look forward to checking it out.


Top Ten List:

The Ghost Orchid by Jonathan Kellerman – 6 February 2024

The Ghost Orchid Cover

First on this list is the exciting new murder mystery from Jonathan Kellerman.  I have become a real fan of Kellerman’s long-running Alex Delaware series, especially after reading such excellent books as The Wedding Guest, The Museum of Desire, Serpentine, City of the Dead and Unnatural History, and I am very excited to get my hands on The Ghost Orchid.  Set to follow the series’ great protagonists as they investigate a sensational double-homicide, The Ghost Orchid should prove to be very twisty, especially as both victims have secrets that could have made them the intended target of the attack.  I have a lot of love for this series, and reading the new Alex Delaware book has become a fun start-of-year tradition for me.



Lone Wolf by Gregg Hurwitz – 13 February 2024

Lone Wolf Cover

An excellent spy thriller to start of 2024 is Lone Wolf by Gregg Hurwitz.  Part of Hurwitz’s fantastic Orphan X series (Out of the DarkInto the FireProdigal SonDark Horse and The Last Orphan), this book follows a former government assassin turned vigilante of last resort, who specialises in helping people with no-one else to turn to.  This new book will set the protagonist against his deadliest enemies yet, a visionary tech billionaire and a skilled serial killer who may prove to be just as lethal as the legendary Orphan X.  I look forward to diving into this awesome book and it should prove to be a great addition to a particularly cool series.



The Chaos Agent by Mark Greaney – 20 February 2024

The Chaos Agent Cover

Probably the book I’m most looking forward to in early 2024 is the new Gray Man novel by Mark Greaney, The Chaos Agent.  The Gray Man books are one of my favourite series at the moment, especially as all the books in the series, including The Gray Man, Mission CriticalOne Minute Out (one of my favourite books and audiobooks of 2020), Relentless (one of my favourite books and audiobooks of 2021), Sierra Six (one of my favourite books and audiobooks of 2022) and Burner (one of my favourite books and audiobooks of 2023), have been so very strong.  This latest entry will pit the titular Gray Man against a massive conspiracy surrounding AI and force him to face off against one of his oldest friends.  Sure to be one of the best books I read this year, I am so very excited to dive into The Chaos Agent.



The Atlas Maneuver by Steve Berry – 20 February 2024

The Atlas Maneuver Cover

Another awesome spy thriller that I am particularly excited to read in 2024 is The Atlas Maneuver by Steve Berry.  Part of Berry’s awesome long-running Cotton Malone series, The Atlas Maneuver will force the series titular protagonist to unravel another world-shattering conspiracy with its origins hidden in historical secrets, including lost World War II gold, and the world’s oldest bank.  I have had such a brilliant time with this series in recent years, including with books like The Malta ExchangeThe Warsaw ProtocolThe Kaiser’s Web and The Last Kingdom, and I cannot wait to dive into this new elaborate and captivating read.



War Cry by Ian Ross – 12 March 2024

War Cry Cover

In 2023 I was lucky enough to receive a copy of the awesome historical fiction novel, Battle Song by Ian Ross, which followed a brutal knight and his naïve squire as they get caught up in one of England’s many civil wars.  A fantastic and powerful historical adventure, Battle Song was a particularly impressive read that made me a huge fan of Ross.  As such, I am very eager to grab a copy of the upcoming sequel, War Cry, when it comes out here in Australia.  Set to provide a follow-up to the brutal and character-forming events of Battle Song, War Cry should be another exceptional read and I cannot wait to see how Ross follows-up his previous epic novel.



White Ash Ridge by S. R. White – 14 March 2024

White Ash Ridge Cover

One of the most promising authors of Australian crime fiction, S. R. White, returns with another enticing outback mystery, White Ash Ridge.  White has really impressed me in recent years with his prior novels, Prisoner and Red Dirt Road, and I am looking forward to seeing another one of his unique mysteries.  His new book, White Ash Ridge, will see his unconventional detective try to solve a complex murder in an isolated hotel, where only a handful of guests of a charity dedicated to police reform were present.  This will probably be one of the best Australian mysteries of 2024 and I look forward to unwinding White’s elaborate mystery.



The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill – 19 March 2024

The Mystery Writer Cover

Another great novel from an Australian author I am looking forward to in the next few months is The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill.  An elaborate and personal murder mystery about a complex family and the death of a famous author, The Mystery Writer sounds so damn awesome and I cannot wait to dive into this excellent novel.



The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe – 9 April 2024

The Girl in Question Cover

Tess Sharpe follows up her outstanding young adult thriller, The Girls I’ve Been, with a new awesome adventure in The Girl in Question.  Once again following her intriguing teenage con-women protagonist as she attempts to outwit a deadly group of criminals, The Girl in Question sounds extremely awesome, and I am really excited to read this book.  The Girls I’ve Been was extremely impressive and I have been waiting for a sequel for ages.



Behind a Closed Door by J. D. Barker – 13 May 2024

Behind A Closed Door Cover

A gritty and dark psychological thriller that sees a couple get caught up in an elaborate online game where the stakes keep getting higher and higher.  This is one of the most intriguing books that has caught me eye in early 2024 and I am very keen to unravel the entire sordid tale.



Devil’s Kitchen by Candice Fox – 4 June 2024

Devil's Kitchen Cover

The final book I want to highlight on this list is the awesome thriller from one of Australia’s best crime fiction authors, Devil’s Kitchen by Candice Fox.  Set to follow an elite unit of firefighters who moonlight as a dangerous heist gang, Devil’s Kitchen sounds that an extremely cool read with a great plot behind it.  I have had a lot of fun with Fox’s last few books, and this should prove to be another amazing novel.



That is the end of this list.  I am extremely happy with how my latest Top Ten Tuesday article turned out and this list contains an intriguing collection of upcoming books that should prove to be incredible reads.  I think that nearly every one of these books has the potential to get a full five-star rating from me and I cannot wait to see what amazing and exciting stories they contain.  While I am waiting to get my hands on these books, why not let me know if any of the above interest you, as well as what your most anticipated releases for the next six months are in the comments below.  Also, make sure to check out my other Top Ten List with the top upcoming fantasy and science fiction books of 2024.

Waiting on Wednesday – The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe

Welcome to my weekly segment, Waiting on Wednesday, where I look at upcoming books that I am planning to order and review in the next few months and which I think I will really enjoy.  I run this segment in conjunction with the Can’t-Wait Wednesday meme that is currently running at Wishful Endings.  Stay tuned to see reviews of these books when I get a copy of them.  In this latest Waiting on Wednesday I highlight an awesome upcoming young adult thriller with The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe.

The Girl in Question Cover


Back in 2021 I managed to get my hands on an amazing young adult novel, The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe, which ended up being quite an impressive read.  Following a teenage former con-artist who must use all her skills to survive a deadly hostage situation in a bank, The Girls I’ve Been was an exceptional and addictive novel with some great characters, a clever plot, and some deadly personal stakes.  I really got caught up in this fantastic novel and I have been eager to see if Sharpe was going to follow it up, especially as there were several interesting plot points left open.

Well details have finally been released about an upcoming sequel to The Girls I’ve Been that I am very keen to get my hands on.  This sequel, The Girl in Question, is set for release in February 2024 and is currently one of my most anticipated young adult novels of the new year.  With a fun sounding plot and some great potential for betrayal, murder and deadly personal heartbreak, The Girl in Question sounds pretty damn epic and I cannot wait to see how it all turns out.

Plot Synopsis:

Four teens. Three henchmen. Two thousand acres of remote forest. One very bad man. And a whole lot of new secrets to unearth. The unmissable, thrilling follow-up to The Girls I’ve Been (soon to be a Netflix film).

Nora O’Malley has survived . . . senior year, that is. School’s over, but her life isn’t, which is weird since last she checked, her murderous stepdad Raymond is finally free.

Determined to enjoy summer before her (possibly) imminent demise, Nora plans a backpacking trip with Iris and Wes. And Wes’s girlfriend tags along. Amanda’s nice, so it’s not a huge issue. Until she gets taken. Or rather, mis-taken . . . for Nora, that is.

Now they’re deep in the woods. Raymond has a hostage. Nora has no leverage. Iris is carving spears out of sticks. And Wes is building booby traps.

It’ll take all of them to make it out alive.

But someone is lying. Someone is keeping secrets. And someone has to die.