Book Haul – 20 May 2024

I have been having another excellent couple of weeks for books, and I was lucky enough to receive several incredible and amazing new novels from local publishers and Netgalley.  These novels include some truly awesome new releases, including books that have the potential to be some of my top reads of the year.  I cannot wait to dive into them, and I so excited to see how they all turn out.

The Book That Broke the World by Mark Lawrence

The Book That Broke the World Cover

The first recently received book I want to highlight is The Book That Broke the World by Mark Lawrence.  The sequel to The Book That Wouldn’t Burn, one of my favourite novels of 2023, The Book That Broke the World was an epic and complex fantasy novel that followed several complex protagonists in an impossible library.  I have already read The Book That Broke the World, and it proved to be an exceptional novel that draws you in with its complicated and elaborate narrative. 



Crucible of Chaos by Sebastien De Castell

Crucible of Chaos Cover

The next book that I want to highlight is the audiobook version of Crucible of Chaos by Sebastien De Castell.  I picked up this audiobook recently due to it being a prequel to De Castell’s other 2024 novel, A Play of Shadows.  Set in the same series but featuring a different protagonist, Crucible of Chaos features a dark and addictive mystery as a travelling magistrate attempts to determine the source of a strange cult that has taken root in an isolated monastery.  I just started reading Crucible of Chaos today and I am loving it’s outstanding and highly entertaining story.



Eruption by Michael Crichton and James Patterson

Eruption Cover

I was very happy to receive a copy of the upcoming epic thriller Eruption. Written by the superstar team of the late Michael Crichton and the master of thriller fiction James Patterson, Eruption promises to be one of the hottest thrillers of 2024 and I cannot wait to dive into it.



Camino Ghosts by John Grisham

Camino Ghosts Cover

Another excellent thriller I recently got my hands on was the new John Grisham novel, Camino Ghosts.  An intriguing legal thriller that serves as a sequel to some of Grisham most entertaining reads, Camino Ghosts promises to be a great novel that I cannot wait to dive into.



The Youngest Son by John Byrnes

The Youngest Son Cover

I was also very happy to receive a copy of the Australian historical fiction novel, The Youngest Son by John Byrnes.  Starting in the 1920’s, The Youngest Son will follow the lives of three different children as they attempt to survive Sydney’s seedy underbelly.  I am very excited to check this novel out, especially after enjoying Byrne’s debut novel, Headland, last year.



Dragon Rider by Taran Matharu

Dragon Rider Cover

An exciting fantasy novel set around a rebelling prince who steals a dragon egg, Dragon Rider sounds like an excellent novel, and I cannot wait to check it out.  A shoutout as well to the awesome cover, it looks very cool



Death in the Air by Ram Murali

Death in the Air Cover

I was very interested by one of the most recent books I received, Death in the Air.  A fun and whimsical Indian murder mystery with colonial overtones, Death in the Air sounds like an amazing book and I look forward to reading author Ram Murali’s debut.



Seeker by Samuel Griffin

Seeker Cover

A captivating fantasy debut, Seeker will follow a young slave who is forcibly recruited into an order dedicated to sensing and defeating ancient leviathans.  A very cool book that I hope I get to read soon.



Song of the Samurai by C. A. Parker

Song of the Samurai Cover

The final book I recently received was the compelling and complex historical fiction novel, Song of the Samurai.  An intriguing novel that will follow a disgraced samurai and musician as he is forced to embark on a dangerous pilgrimage.  I love the sound of this unique debut and I cannot wait to dive into it.




Well, that’s the end of this latest Book Haul post.  As you can see I have quite a bit of reading to do at the moment thanks to all these awesome books that have come in.  Let me know which of the above you are most interested in and make sure to check back in a few weeks to see my reviews of them.